  • 學位論文


A Research of Critical Factors Affecting Turnover Intention of Technicians in IC Foundry Industry

指導教授 : 林博文


近來隨著國人少子化的傾向,大學門檻的不斷降低,以及兩兆双星另一重點產業LCD面板廠的強力競爭與服務業普遍較受年輕一代青睞的挑戰,長期以來以高中、專科畢業女性為主的晶圓代工廠第一線技術人員,正逐步面臨供不應求的窘境,在非畢業季節與非一線廠商中尤為普遍。另一方面隨著產業逐漸邁向成熟,股票分紅的優勢漸失,以及各公司不斷推陳出新的福利措施與競爭挖角,每每使得此一族群的有限人力選擇眾多,流動率高,極不穩定,造成公司成長的隱憂與困擾。本文即在此一背景下緊扣晶圓代工產業技術員離職傾向為研究探討主軸,希望找出顯著而具預測性的影響因子,提供企業做為人力競爭策略與人才留任方向上之參考。 本文針對工作特性、工作績效、工作滿足與離職傾向進行探討。在構面上,工作特性分為技能多樣性、工作完整性、工作重要性、工作自主性與工作回饋性做探討;工作績效區分為工作成果績效與工作行為績效做探討;工作滿足上則概分為內在滿足與外在滿足二方面做探討;對於離職傾向方面,則以學者MOBLEY於1978年所發展之構面為主。 本文經實證研究後得知:1.人口統計特徵之性別、學歷、年齡對技術員離職傾向有顯著影響;2.工作特性之工作重要性、工作自主性與工作回饋性對技術員之工作滿足有顯著之正向影響;3.工作績效對技術員之工作滿足有顯著之正向影響;4.工作特性之技能多樣性與工作回饋性對技術員之離職傾向各自具有負向及正向之顯著影響;5.工作績效之工作行為對於離職傾向有負向之顯著影響;6.工作滿足對於離職傾向有負向之顯著影響;7.工作特性、工作績效與工作滿足於離職傾向有程度上的明顯影響–部份成立。


In Taiwan, as the tendency of declining birth rate, high colleges entrance rate, attractive LCD industry development of Two Trillion & Twin Stars project, and young generation’s preference for service industry, FABs are going through the problem of labor shortage. Female high school graduates have been the main cluster of technical staffs in FABs, so labor shortage is especially apparent in non-graduation seasons and non-first tier foundry players. Further, IC industry is now in the mature stage, there are no longer alluring stock bonus, in addition, many IC companies keep improving their welfare to attract talents; plenty choice for limited manpower, so high labor turnover rate in FABs can be seen, with is consider to be the persecution for company development. Based on such background, the purpose of the study is to explore the turnover intension of DL (Direct Labor) employees, and we want to find out significant and predictable factors, in the hope of offering useful references for business to manage its human resource. This article aims at the research in job characteristics, job performance, job satisfaction and turnover intension. The dimensions of job characteristics are divided into the variety of task, the identity of task, the significance of task, the autonomy of task, and the feedback of task. The dimensions of job performance are considered in outcome-based performance and behavior-based performance. The dimensions of job satisfaction are divided into intrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction. The turnover intension is based on the framework Mobley developed in 1978. Through the exploration of literature and analysis of empirical data from questionnaire, result shows: Sex, educational background, and age in demographic statistic features show significant influences on DL’s turnover intension. The significance of task, the autonomy of task, and the feedback of task have significant positive influences on DL’s job satisfaction. Job performance shows significant positive influence on DL’s job satisfaction. The variety of task and the feedback of task in the dimensions of job characteristics in turn have significant negative and positive influences on the DL’s turnover intension. Behavior-based performance in the dimensions of job characteristics shows significant negative influence on the turnover intension of DL. Job satisfaction shows significant negative influence on DL’s turnover intension. Job characteristics, job performance and job satisfaction have partly significant influence on turnover intension.


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