  • 學位論文


A study on product's position of IC design house -multimedia processor of mobile phone

指導教授 : 林博文 博士


近幾年通訊產業蓬勃發展,尤其是手持式通訊終端產品的大放異彩,印證著NOKIA廣告名言:「科技始終來自於人性」。台灣半導體業者當然沒有在這一主流產業裡缺席。相反的,台灣業者反而發揮小蝦米對抗大鯨魚的精神,力抗國際一級大廠的優勢,展現超高的智慧,擊出一個漂亮的商業營運模式,終於在2006開花結果,實現出亮麗的成績。 個案公司至目前為止為台灣最大半導體整合製造元件公司,對於手機半導體產業有相當程度市佔率,其中多媒體產品中心意圖在手機產業裡打出一片藍天。本文以個案教學論述,主要探討個案公司在手機產業之晶片供應鏈中,其多媒體處理器產品,面對競爭者的鯨吞,所遭遇生存空間的壓縮,透過深入個案公司內在產品與外在市場發展的論述,專家訪談與文獻探討,研究發現即使生存空間有限,藉由外而內的產業與競爭環境分析找出關鍵成功因子,分析競爭動因,可以制定新的競爭策略,重新開闊市場定位與生存競爭空間。 關鍵詞:多媒體處理器、基頻處理器、全球衛星定位系統、手機晶片


In recent years the communication industry vigorous development, the handheld communication terminal product greatly puts the extraordinary splendor in particular, is verifying the NOKIA advertisement famous saying: “The science and technology comes from throughout the human nature”. The Taiwan semiconductor entrepreneur has not certainly absented in this mainstream industry. Opposite, the Taiwan entrepreneur instead displays the small shrimp to resist the big whale's spirit, the strength anti-international big entrepreneur superiority, the development super wisdom, ejects an attractive business model, finally in 2006 blossoms and bears fruit, realizes the sharp result. The case company is Taiwan biggest integrated device manufacture company, has the suitable degree regarding the handset semiconductor industry to occupy rate, in which multimedia product center intention splits out blue sea in the handset industry. This article by the case teaching elaboration, mainly discusses the case company multimedia chip of supply chain in the handset industry, its multimedia processor product, facing competitor's swallowing up, encounters the existing space the compression, the penetration thorough case company intrinsic product and the external market development elaboration, the expert interview and the literature discussion, the research discovered even if the existing space is limited, but in industry and the competition environment analysis discovers the key success factor because of outside, the analysis competition driver factor, may formulate the new competition strategy, again open market position and struggle for existence space.


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吳士昌(2008)。台灣半導體IDM公司的未來走向與策略 - 以W公司為例〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6843/NTHU.2008.00743
