  • 學位論文

購屋與居住意願受鄰避設施影響之研究 -以新竹市為例

Effects of NIMBY facilities homebuyers and willingness to live by -A Case Study of Hsinchu City

指導教授 : 陳鸞鳳


摘 要 現代社會地狹人稠的居住環境,各種不同的民生必須設施都在居住環境的週遭,例如殯儀館、變電所、醫院、飛機場、高速公路、資源回收場、特種行業.....等,其中有許多是民眾所不喜歡的鄰避設施。 本研究針對鄰避設施對於民眾購屋與居住意願的影響作探討,運用文獻回顧和專家訪談的方式擬定了30項鄰避設施項目作為問卷的內容,並邀請學者、專家針對問卷內容再次檢討審核確認後製作成問卷,調查對象以新竹市民眾,20歲以上的成年人為主,透過綜合整理與資料分析的方式,將有效問卷依受調者不同的年齡層、學歷、性別、職業等整合分析,先統計出受調查對象在意鄰避設施問題的比率,再按鄰避設施影響居住意願的嚴重程度作比序排列,彙整出影響居住意願最嚴重的十項鄰避設施項目。 問卷調查統計的結果,有92.6% 的民眾表示會在意鄰避設施的問題,而在鄰避設施項目中,殯儀館是影響最嚴重,民眾最在意及最排斥的鄰避設施,其次是垃圾場和墳墓。本項研究得出的結果除了確認大多數民眾的居住意願會受鄰避設施的影響外,並統計出民眾最在意會影響居住意願的十種鄰避設施項目。本項研究成果可以提供給民眾做為購屋或選擇居住環境的重要依據。


Abstract The living environment of a modern society is compact presenting little chance to stay far away from facilities around, such as funeral homes, electrical substations, hospitals, airports, highways, recycling landfill, red-light districts...etc. Many of the above are not favorable to local resident. This study examines the impact of adjacent facilities to buyers’ decision. Through literature review and experts feedback, 30 different facilities commonly encountered in the neighborhood formulated the major content of questionnaires. The final version of the questionnaire was reviewed by scholars and confirmed by experts before dissemination. The survey area covers professionals 20 years and older residing within the Xinzhu Area. After the comprehensive collation and data analysis, the final results are presented in terms of age, education, gender, and occupation. The statistics of the respondents concerned about the problem of adjacent facilities, and the seriousness of the adjacent facilities affecting the decision making process is ranked. Finally, the study reports the top 10 most serious impact caused by facilities on residential environment. The result of the survey shows that 92.6% of people concern on adjacent facilities. Out of 30 locally unwanted land uses, funeral homes caused the most serious impact, followed by garbage dumps and grave yards.The results of this study, in addition to confirming that the majority of the population will be affected by the neighborhood facilities, and final statistics on the top 10 people's most concerned adjacent facilities provide guidance to general consumers.


李永展、何紀芳,(1996),「台北地方生活圈都市服務設施之鄰避效果」,都市與計畫,第23卷,第1 期,頁95-116。
李永展、何紀芳(1996),「台北地方生活圈都市服務設施之鄰避效果」,都市與計畫,第二十三卷,第1 期,頁95-116。
李永展(1997),「鄰避症候群之解析」,都市與計畫,第24 卷第1 期,第69-79頁。
