  • 學位論文

模糊不明確問題的系統化解決手法 :以半導體製程問題為例

Innovative problem solving methodology for Fuzzy ill-defined Problems for Semiconductor Process

指導教授 : 許棟樑


本研究主要目的是協助改善合作廠商P公司於半導體製程中,所面臨到問題,而須重新加工以致成本增加,企業蒙受損失的問題。 本研究將KT(Kepner & Tregoe)理性思考法加入萃智解決程序中,讓整個系統擴充為六個階段:(0)狀況評估、(1)問題定義、(2)問題分析、(3)解答產生、(4)解答選擇與整合、(5)解答驗證,幫助使用者利用KT,從模糊的現象中找到問題的徵結點,並透過萃智工具輔助有效地解決。研究如何利用KT式理性思考法進行問題評估,並從複雜、模糊的狀況中,找出明確的問題,分析細部現象,再配合檢視流程、建立假說與驗證,確切辨識問題的徵結點、找出系統錯誤位置,接著整合、比較問題分析出來的是與不是(Is, Is not),清楚描述偏差現象、釐清可能疑點,並且評估解答之成本與風險去找出最佳解答。本研究貢獻包含:(1)提供納入KT式理性思考法的萃智系統,協助解決於複雜、模糊之表徵狀況下所遇到的產業問題;以狀況去評估系統錯誤的問題癥結點,再加以解題,並進行負面評估, (2)提出KT主觀評分決策 (3)在模糊問題上應用參數處理方法,大大提高了解決方案的數量和質量。


The main purpose of this research is to help improve the problems faced by the participative P company. This research integrated KT (Kepner & Tregoe) method and TRIZ tools for problem solving. The process includes six steps: (0) Situation Appraisal; (1) Problem Definition; (2) Problem Analysis; (3) Solution Generations; (4) Solution Selection and Integration; and (5) Solution Verification. This structured process can help problem solvers convert murky surface problems to the failure points, and then to critical key disadvantage(s) effectively. To make up the front-end process for solving murky, complex problems. The process modifies “Situation Appraisal” of the KT method with backward process reviews and added failure hypothesis to identify the failure point(s). The process further adopted “Is, Is not” method to clarify problem and “Risk Analysis” to select solutions. The contributions of this research include: 1) Integrating KT method into an existing TRIZ process to help analyze a company’s real-world murky, complex problems more effectively; 2) Proposed KT subjective scoring decision; 3)Applying parameter manipulation methods on the murky problem to greatly enhance the solution quantity and quality.


1. Altshuller, G. (1984), “Creativity as an Exact Science: The Theory of the Solution of Inventive Problems”, New York, NY: Gordon & Breach.
2. Altshuller, G. (1996), “And suddenly the inventor appeared:TRIZ, the theory of inventive problem solving”, Worcester, MA: Technical Innovation Center.
3. Belski, I. (2007), “Improve Your Thinking: Substance-Field Analysis”, Melbourne.A, TRIZ4U.
4. Burge, S. (2009), “The Systems Engineering Tool Box”, Available on line at: http://www.burgehugheswalsh.co.uk/uploaded/documents/Pugh-Matrix-v1.1.pdf (access date: 2012/12/04).
