  • 學位論文


Study of the Operational Models and Practices of Vendor Managed Inventory

指導教授 : 林則孟


摘要 在競爭的洪流裏,我國中大型製造代工組裝產業,絕大部份是以接受國際大廠委託代工或者以委託設計生產來做營運業務模式,對於面臨生存競爭的需求,無論是於客戶要求或者企業本身的競爭力需求目的,皆需以降低成本與準確交貨的目標來提升本身於產業的競爭力。因此推行供應商管理存貨以求控制成本並達到避免不必要的存貨積壓與杜絕缺料斷線將是企業提升競爭力的重要方向。 本研究以文獻資料與實務經驗,將業界運用於推行供應商管理存貨的七種應用模式(傳統訂單模式、傳統儲貨模式、VMI補貨模式、VMI寄存模式、VMI發貨中心模式、VMI第三方物流模式以及JMI聯合存貨管理模式)予以說明與流程化,並將其之間的差異因素加以分析比較,文中亦將以往文獻與實務探討中較少被提及的機構件供應商管理存貨之可行做法予以敘述說明。 本論文中亦以個案公司為例,將其如何選擇供應商管理存貨模式的過程、相關考量問題及其內部的SWOT分析與關務條件等逐一整理分析,以此個案公司如何選擇合適的供應商存貨管理模式為實例,希望藉此個案所提及之考量點與說明能讓供應商存貨管理之模式與運用更加妥善與完整。 供應商管理存貨之運用需視各公司業務型態與執行之利弊加以選擇,故於實施上可以多種模式並用不須拘泥於單一種模式,如此對於導入VMI方能有顯著效益並能達成整體供應鏈之有利運作。也期許本論文之歸納整理與分析,能夠提供給後續供應商管理存貨之研究者或興趣者有利之參考。


ABSTRACT Nowadays, in the competitive electronic industry, most large- and middle-sized manufacturing companies in Taiwan operate in the business models of OEM and ODM commissioned by the international electronic giants. Both cost-effectivness and on-time delivery have no doubt become the vital competitiveness in the face of the all-time intensively competitive electronic market regarding the customers and the corporate themselves. Therefore, vendor inventory management aims to reinforce cost-control, scrap the unnecessary stockpile and prevent the material shortage and product line suspense. The aim of this research is to theoretically and practically explore a variety of the operational models and the differences between them in terms of vendor inventory management. In particular, the mechanical inventory management, which is relatively little-mentioned in the present researches, will be studied and concluded here at the same time. The case studies are available in the research in line with the models analysis of vendor inventory management and the selection of tailored suppliers. Thereby, the vendor inventory management can be well completed and exercised.


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