  • 學位論文


The Situation of Digital Divide in Taiwan-by Family Unit

指導教授 : 黃俊堯


由於資訊科技和知識經濟時代的來臨,數位落差開始受到社會大眾的重視,近年來關於數位落差的相關研究紛紛出現,然而多數的研究都只探討單一時間點,如單一年度的研究,很少以跨時的方法來看整個數位落差的變化,並且大多都只使用某些變項(如年齡、教育程度、收入等)各別來看其對數位落差的影響,很少使用有系統的分群方式將資料給予分類。因此本研究利用家庭生命週期模型和社會階級模型來將台灣家庭進行分群,以家中電腦和網路的有無(硬體設備)作為判定數位落差的依據,探討家庭生命週期不同階段和不同的社會階級是否對於家庭電腦和網路的擁有率有顯著的影響。除此之外,進一步將家庭生命週期和社會階級給予結合再對數位落差進行探討,且藉由跨時性分析來討論台灣家庭數位落差的變化與現況,希望可以提供行銷管理和政府政策相關的建議。   本研究利用行政院主計處所調查的台灣家庭收支的基本資料,並配合SAS8.0統計軟體進行分析。根據研究結果顯示,發現各種分群方式不同類別設備的擁有率從市場導入的早期就有落差,且隨著設備使用的擴散,落差的態勢會持續;不管採用何種分群方式對台灣家庭分群,數位設備在受到較高度採用後分群方法才較有效;所有分群方式中,以家庭生命週期和社會階級結合的分群方式對台灣的家庭最具有解釋力。


Because information technology and knowledge economic is coming, digital divide become an important issue in the world. In the past, most of researches were focus on single time like specific year or some variables like age, income etc. They didn’t use the cluster of data systematic or use cross-time analysis. So this research separates the Taiwan family from family life cycle and social class. The standard of digital divide is that computer and internet have or have not. I investigate the influence of different family life cycle and different social class on the digital divide in the Taiwan family. Otherwise, I combine family life cycle and social class to separate the family and use cross-time analysis to observe the situation and change of digital divide in Taiwan. I hope the result of this research will help the government to implement the policy about digital divide and provide a good point on marketing. The results are following: (1)The own rate of computer or internet has difference in early stage and the trend will continue to follow digital equipments diffusion. (2)Every method to separate the family is effective in the stage of digital equipment be use more popular. (3)That effect of combine family life cycle and social class is the most powerful.




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