  • 學位論文


The Translation and Introduction of Foreign Thought During the Period of Japanese Occupation:An Observation of Lai Ho, Yang Kuei and Jang Wo-Jiun

指導教授 : 陳萬益


本論文以《日據時期外來思潮的譯介研究:以賴和、楊逵、張我軍為中心》為題,探討日據時期知識份子面對外來新思潮的翻譯活動,追尋新式知識份子以及留學生理解外來思潮的過程中,進行翻譯活動的目的與對象。   本文整理日據時期發行於臺灣本島為主,或是以臺灣人為活動主體的11種報刊雜誌:《臺灣青年》、《臺灣》、《臺灣民報》、《フォルモサ》、《先發部隊》、《人人》、《臺灣文藝》、《臺灣文學》、《第一線》、《南音》、《臺灣新文學》的翻譯作品。另外,賴和的手稿翻譯尼采學說部份,經過考察,尚比中國最先翻譯首部尼采作品的魯迅還早4年,究竟常被相提並論的賴和與魯迅,思想上所面對的「尼采」為何?他們面對群眾和社會改革的態度是怎樣的立場?第三章的部分將就日本日俄戰爭後掀起的尼采熱談起,探討鄰近的臺灣和中國所受到的思潮影響。至於楊逵的翻譯作品,多半與社會運動的目的性並行,翻譯文字使用大量臺灣話文,他希望能推及勞動大眾,喚醒大家的意識,具有文化抗爭的意義。尤其楊逵在翻譯過程中,舉用切近臺灣人民生活的例證,這種「有意的誤譯」,在翻譯活動上突顯了臺灣人轉化理解之後產生的本土新意義。張我軍的翻譯作品數量龐大,多半都出版在中國,他翻譯多位日本文學家的作品,與中國魯迅兄弟所熱衷的翻譯事業有所關聯,是探究日據時期旅外臺灣人的文化活動的最佳個案。   經由討論研究,我們發現目前已發掘的譯者雖然呈現點狀分布,但是這些譯者以超越自我,走向世界,在世界文學脈絡下尋求發展為主軸。他們汲取世界文學的營養,希冀達到世界文學的水準,同時追求臺灣的特殊性,保有民族文學的特質,以獨特的身份躋身世界文學之林,在民族文學與藝術層面追求更高境界,也成為歷史發展的里程碑。作為世界之子,臺灣知識份子利用世界文學的廣闊視野,培植自己的民族文學,使它茁壯開花。


This paper entitles “The Translation and Introduction of Foreign Thought During the Period of Japanese Occupation: An Observation of Lai Ho, Yang Kuei and Jang Wo-Jiun”, and my studying motif is to chase the presentation of translation and introduction of foreign thought by the intellect who had taken the neoteric education overseas or the students abroad during the period of Japanese occupation. The collate of translated pieces from《臺灣》、《臺灣民報》、《フォルモサ》、《先發部隊》、《人人》、《臺灣文藝》、《臺灣文學》、《第一線》、《南音》、《臺灣新文學》help us comprehend what’s the real intention in translation. On the other hand, Lai-Ho(賴和) was bracketed with Lu-Shiun(魯迅), we get in touch with this situation under the observation of the trend of Nietzsche from Japan to Taiwan and China. It actually had been four years later when we read the first translation of Nietzsche by Lu-Shiun since Lai-Ho had finished his. Besides, Yang-kuei’s(楊逵)translation is also our focus. What Yang-kuei had endeavored in translation attached to the social movement. He used Taiwanese oral- speaking to translate Marxism economics and gave many examples according to works’ lives to make abstruse theories convincible. Furthermore, though Jang-Wo-Jiun’s(張我軍) translation and publications were found in China, we still have to square up to his special position during the war circumstances. His translation had close communication with Lu-Shiun and Jou-Tzuo-Ren(周作人) that were interested in translating that time in China. Altogether, the translators we’ve mentioned in this paper were found in unobvious reference and they were not investigated for a long time, their marvelous cynosure was to look forward and seek after the unique status of Taiwan in world literature. This paper concentrate on the topic of Translation that was the shortcut of understanding foreign thought, and the glary achievement of their efforts touch and encourage us by marching forward with their dream for Taiwan!




・ 《臺灣新文學》,臺灣新文學社
・ 馬國明,《班雅明》,台北:東大圖書股份有限公司,1998年9月。
・ 林瑞明編,《賴和手稿影像集》,臺灣省文獻會、財團法人賴和文教基金會出版,2000年5月。
・ 彭小妍主編,《楊逵全集》,台南:國立文化資產保存研究中心籌備處,2001年12月。
・ 高承恕,《地方社會》,台中:東海大學東亞社會經濟中心,1997年。


