  • 學位論文


Interpretation and Practice of “Oceania” Performance: A Comparative Study on Three Museums around the Pacific Rim

指導教授 : 魏捷茲


跨文化展演為博物館人類學研究中的核心議題。本論文旨在透過臺灣、日本和紐西蘭三座環太平洋國家博物館的田野研究,探討由大洋洲展示所開展之跨文化意象形塑的議題,以期釐清國家角色、博物館體制和不同想像社群之間,如何詮釋我群和他群之社會歷史文化,由此建構在地化的意義。 本論文主要從博物館民族誌的角度,處理環太平洋國家和「大洋洲」區域間四個層次間的關係:一是國家政策與博物館的建置經營;二是國家博物館與「大洋洲」的鏈結脈絡;三是「大洋洲」文化展演與蒐藏的博物館實踐;四是國際巡迴展的在地詮釋和意義。筆者認為博物館除了是再現文化知識的人類學田野外,更是製造當代人類學知識和文化消費的場域。博物館一方面作為國家政策機器,承擔輸送宰制階級文化資本的責任;另一方面在形成的過程中,將自己建立成一座神秘的宮殿,有其內在錯綜複雜的知識生產和運作邏輯。 臺灣、日本、紐西蘭同屬環太平洋地區的島嶼國家,長久以來,與太平洋諸島嶼間,即存在著交融混雜和有機鏈結的關係。大洋洲的物件蒐藏和文化展演,交織在三地三座重要博物館網絡之中。從臺灣的國立自然科學博物館、日本的國立民族學博物館、紐西蘭的奧克蘭戰爭紀念博物館三館的發展處境和實踐取徑中,可發現博物館和國家角色之間,存在著相互建構的關係。在「大洋洲」博物館化的過程中,亦連結了跨時間、跨空間、跨族群之記憶、權力、空間、藝術與事實的面向,有著不同層次的想像和形構,深受在地的族群認同和歷史記憶的影響,被客體化成為當代民族主義或族群認同的依據。 本論文研究的意義,在於主張「博物館性」的維度,不能固著於博物館田野的本身,應涵蓋多面向之「博物館化」界域,包括地方政治和經濟等外圍動態現實因素,以及社會對文化區域的鄰近感和表達態度。同時也藉此澄清博物館現象背後異化游移的本質,從而反思人類學民族誌區域延續和流動變遷的課題。


Cross-cultural performance is the core issue of the Museum Anthropology. This dissertation aims to investigate cross-cultural issues and image form of the Oceania exhibition via the field studies of three Pacific Rim Museums in Taiwan, Japan and New Zealand. Particular attention is paid to clarify how to interpret social histories and cultures by exhibitions using three viewpoints of museums and different imagined social communities, thus reconstructing localization meaning of the exhibitions. Hence, from the perspective of Museum Ethnography, this dissertation deals with four-level interregional relationships among Pacific Rim countries and the "Oceania" region. The first one is national policies, establishment and operation of museums, the second is the close relationship between national museums and the "Oceania" exhibition, the third is the museum practice of the "Oceania" Cultural Performance and collections, and the fourth is the local meaning and interpretation of “Vaka Moana” international traveling exhibition. In the dissertation, museums are not only considered as fields of reproduction of anthropology and cultural knowledge, but also though of as places of knowledge creation and cultural consumption of contemporary anthropology. On the one hand, national museums can serve as a national machine, taking the responsibility for showing contemporary national preferred culture policies; on the other hand, in the forming process, national museums have established themselves into mysterious palaces with inherently sophisticated and complicated structures of knowledge production and operational logics. Being three Pacific Rim countries, Taiwan, Japan, New Zealand have mixed and blended relationships, and organic links between themselves and many Pacific islands for a long time. Object collections and cultural performance about Oceania are interwoven among these three national museums in Taiwan, Japan, and New Zealand. From the development environments and the operation and management process of these three national museums, they clearly revealed that these museums and their sponsoring supporting governments have mutual supporting relationships. The Musealisation processes of “Oceania" have linked cross-time, cross-space, and cross-ethnic memory, power, space, art and reality, thereby giving different levels of imagination and formation. Besides, these processes have also been deeply influenced by local people’s identity and their historical memory, and they have objectively become bases of the contemporary nationalism or ethnic identities. The research significance of this dissertation is to advocate the dimension of "Museality", which can not be limited to the museum own field, but should also cover multiple dimensions of the "Musealisation". This includes several externally dynamic factors of local politics and economics, and closeness feeling and expression attitude from community to culture. Furthermore, this dissertation also intends to clarify the nature of alienation and drifting movement behind the museum phenomena, and then go further to re-think local continuity and flow of changes of Anthropological Ethnography.


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