  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Cross-Strait Logistics Model for Automobile Industry

指導教授 : 張瑞芬


全球網路的建設佈局與資訊技術的蓬勃發展已對台灣企業造成巨大的影響,在日趨激烈之全球化競爭衝擊之下,全球運籌策略儼然已成為企業國際化的重要議題。為了能符合全球運籌的趨勢,台灣積極於全球佈局生產、銷售據點,尤其生產線外移與拓展海外市場多以大陸為主,且獲利程度超過台灣島內和世界各地,大陸已成為台灣產業在全球佈局之重要地區。因此在兩岸分工下,未來在進行國際運籌流通的過程中實需有一Hub機制以整合、處理實體物流與資訊流,藉以消除企業發展全球運籌管理所遭遇之相關問題,使台灣成為國際供應鏈之重要環節,並運用台灣製造與轉運優勢,發展高附加價值之物流服務,提升台灣產業競爭力。 本研究主要以提出兩岸運籌模式分析與規劃,首先歸納台灣產業於兩岸發展的分工因素與營運模式,並針對不同營運模式之特性,探討目前兩岸間的運籌需求,此外,並針對不同營運模式之運籌模式進行分析。在規劃上主要是以在整合Logistic/Business Hub的架構下,從影響兩岸運籌效率的構面,提出整合架構下的物流與資訊流模式,最後在提出相關評估兩岸運籌績效的指標值,藉以進行未來的策略建議。本研究並以汽車產業為例,分析以整車廠為主的兩岸汽車供應鏈現況,進而根據個案公司未來營運策略、模式,規劃個案公司在兩岸分工下之國際運籌模式,最後再進行指標量化與非量化評估效益分析。期以作為後續推動兩岸協同產銷物流運籌體系之建立基礎與依據,以強化該產業於兩岸分工後之運籌效率,進而提升其產品在國際上的市場競爭力。


Nowadays, many Taiwan companies and manufacturers have migrated to China seeking lower production costs and higher profit margins. Under the global development trend, China has become a main investment region for Taiwan companies. Thus, these companies need reciprocal logistic services for sharing inventory and supplies between factories in Taiwan and China, integrating information and eliminating the related barriers in global logistic operations. With advanced manufacturing and transportation capability, Taiwan industries can offer higher value-added logistic services to enhance their competitive advantages. This research surveyed and proposed four generalized cross-strait business and logistics models for Taiwan industries with China operations. Based on various properties of the business models, this research analyzes the demand of logistic operations and the establishment of logistic hubs across the strait. According to the analyses, four logistic models with logistic hubs based on the business models are proposed. This study also surveyed and used the automobile industry as an example to discuss its current business model, logistics models and operations (including shipment tracking, inventory management and order processing) with information applications of its entire supply chain. These processes are analyzed and modified to construct a logistics hub for enhancing the logistics efficiency. Finally, to benchmark the design of To-Be logistics model, a simple quantitative (cost and time) analysis is run and compared to the current operations. The results show that an information technology based logistic hub increases logistics efficiency and better enables the manufacturer to increase profits. This study provides the design and analysis of the cross-strait logistic hub, which can be referred by other Taiwan enterprises seeking similar business development. Furthermore, the research provides the directions and suggestions for automotive industry’s global logistic management.


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