  • 學位論文


The opportunity of electronic-waste

指導教授 : 丘宏昌


台積電董事長張忠謀博士在民國九十九年「台積公司第十屆供應鏈管理論壇」中表示,環境保護是企業未來將面對的重要挑戰之一;與供應商維持夥伴關係,共同合作以減少對環境的影響是未來的趨勢。 善用綠色策略提昇企業的形象,需將全球環境保護視為責任,除了完全遵守營運據點所在地的環保法規外,更應採取各種環境友善的行動。例如,在善盡台灣地區與全球各據點的環保責任之外,也應運用影響力協助供應商建立綠色供應鏈,生產的產品也需要兼顧品質與對環境之影響。 綠色產品之生產,必須就產品的全生命週期,從原物料生產、運輸、產品生產、產品運輸、產品使用至產品廢棄後處理等,所有過程對環境所造成的衝擊均須納入考量。因此,品牌企業除了在製造的工廠做好有害物質管理、污染預防、節能、節水與減廢等清潔生產要求外,也要求或協助供應商做好這些項目,並責成供應商必須要求其供應商共同建立綠色供應鏈。 由於全球氣候變遷議題持續受到關注,品牌企業需體認到企業永續與綠色承諾的重要性,期許自己不斷透過綠色科技的力量,為地球盡一份心力。唯有綠色創新的腳步永不停息的企業,才能開創新局成為最後的贏家。


TSMC Chairman Dr. Morris Chang said that while everyone faces the challenge of climate change and environmental protection, industry has particular responsibilities to do business in an environmentally sustainable way In his opening speech to the TSMC Tenth Supply Chain Management Forum in 2010. Promoting Corporate Image through Green marketing Strategy shall acknowledges responsibility for environmental protection first. They need to comply with the environmental regulations , track new developments in global environmental issues, and adopting new environmentally-friendly measures. In addition to protecting the environment of our manufacturing sites in Taiwan and around the world, and lead suppliers to establish a green supply chain. By the way, products must take both quality and environmental impact into account. Green products need to consider the entire product life cycle, including raw material mining, transportation, product manufacturing, use, and waste disposal to thoroughly evaluate environmental impact. Therefore, brand enterprise require good hazardous substance management, pollution prevention, energy saving, waste reduction and other clean production measures in factories. Brand enterprise also require and assist suppliers to do so, and even require suppliers to require their suppliers to do so, in order to establish a green supply chain. As global climate change has emerged as a vitally important issue, brand enterprise having recognized the importance of sustainable corporate development and green commitment, and resolved to improve our environment by the use of green technology. The final winner who can create a new paradigm by green innovation will be unswerving.


electronic-waste green marketing


(22) 商業周刊第 1094 期
(1) TSMC 2010 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
(2) AUO 2010 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
(7) Leung A, Cai ZW,Wong MH . 2006. “Environmental contamination from electronic-waste recycling at Guiyu, Southeast China” J Mater Cycles Waste Manag8:21–33
(9) Pellow D, Sonnenfeld D. et al. 2006. "Challenging the Chip: Labor Rights and Environmental Justice in the Global Electronics Industry." Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press


