  • 學位論文

家族企業接班人之規範承諾和創意導向對其接班意願的影響- 以性別與獨生子女為調節變項

Successors’ Normative Commitment, Innovation-oriented and Succession Intentions in Family Business: The Moderating Role of Gender and Only-child

指導教授 : 劉玉雯


家族企業的議題長久以來不僅備受重視,更是在全球經濟上佔有一個舉足輕重的地位。許多企業追求永續經營的同時,往往面臨企業傳承的問題,相較於日本、歐美的百年家族企業,台灣家族企業尚為萌芽階段。然而,當掌權者希望將經營多年的事業傳承給自己的子女時,種種因素卻使得潛在接班人不願接班,導致技術可能因此而失傳。因此本研究將探討潛在接班人之特性如何影響其接班意願,並且了解性別和獨生子女的影響,進而使掌權者得以了解潛在接班人或培養子女成為準接班人。 本研究為個人層級的研究,探討接班人之規範承諾和創意導向對其接班意願之間的關係,並且細分接班意願。此外,更探討接班人為男性或女性時以及獨生子女或非獨生子女時,對於規範承諾、創意導向和接班意願的影響及變化。 本研究的研究對象以台灣中小企業之家族企業接班人為主,採隨機抽樣的問卷發放的方式蒐集資料。回收資料並經篩選後,獲得有效問卷共212份,接著以SPSS及MPLUS統計分析軟體,針對所蒐集的資料進行迴歸分析。根據分析研究結果發現: (1)規範承諾對維持原商業模式的接班和企業轉型有顯著正向影響。(2)接班人擁有創意導向對企業轉型和創業有顯著正向影響。(3)接班人之性別對規範承諾與企業轉型有顯著調節效果。(4)接班人為獨生子女皆不影響接班意願。 最後,本研究根據實證分析結果提出理論與實務意涵、研究限制以及未來研究方向,並針對潛在接班人的特質提出實務上可行的建議,期望家族企業掌權人能遴選合適的接班人,成功交棒給下一代,同時接班人亦能以正向態度面對,進而創造雙贏。


家族企業 接班意願


Potential successors’ attitude and intention toward succession are crucial to the sustainable development of the family business. Few studies focus on potential successors’ characteristics. This paper examines how successors with normative commitment and innovation-oriented characteristics affect their succession intention. The role of gender and only-child as moderators respectively are also examined. Data are collected from a sample of 212 Taiwanese family business potential successors. Results support that the relationships between successors’ normative commitment, conservation succession, and enterprise transformation. Results also show that successors with innovation-oriented characteristics were positively related to enterprise transformation and family-business-unrelated startup. In addition, gender moderates the relationship between normative commitment and enterprise transformation. The findings explain the importance of successors’ characteristics in the succession process for both incumbents and potential successors.


Family business Succession intention


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