  • 學位論文


A Study of the Post-Graduation Migration Intentions of International Students in Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝英哲


Despite the growing propensity of international students' mobility, their post-graduation migration remains under-studied. As one of the top three countries in the world for the most difficulties in recruiting talents, Taiwan has modeled other countries in establishing post-study visa schemes for international students who graduate from local universities. However, little attention has been paid to the efforts of countries in the Asian region in retaining international graduates. Furthermore, most studies on international student post-graduation migration have utilized either a quantitative or a qualitative approach. This study used a mixed-methods approach to investigate the post-graduation migration intentions of international students in Taiwan and the factors that influenced their plans. The results revealed that over half of the participants intended to stay after graduation. Four demographic characteristics were found to be significantly associated with migration intentions. Additionally, six themes emerged as the determinants of students' intentions to stay, and five as determinants of students’ intentions to leave. The study uses a model to demonstrate how multidimensional factors influence students' post-graduation migration plans. It also challenges the notion that international graduates are fully prepared to enter the local workforce smoothly. If countries wish to retain international graduates, students need to be supported in adjusting to the local environment and transitioning into the local workforce.


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