  • 學位論文

非典型兒童文學的閱讀教學 ─以鄭清文童話和蘇紹連童詩為例

Reading Teaching of Atypical Children's Literature — Take Zheng Qingwen's Fairy Tales and Su Shaolian's Children's Poetry as Examples

指導教授 : 陳惠齡


摘 要 童年是人生的養分,林良曾說:「兒童文學所追求的美學價值是『純真』。能達到純真的境界,閃爍純真的光芒,就是好的兒童文學。」本論文深入探討鄭清文的三本童話與蘇紹連的三本童詩集,並將這兩位臺灣本土作家為兒童創作的作品納入任教國小的閱讀寫作教學課程中進行導讀與延伸思考寫作,與孩子們一起共讀這些專為臺灣兒童書寫的文學作品,透過教學引導,細談作品中的角色、情節、詩的意象等,期盼能讓孩童領略兩位作家自然純真的文學內涵,更藉由童話和童詩中虛實交錯的生動描述,深刻思索傳統與現代的衝突與磨合;透過閱讀,讓孩童更貼近作家筆下所要傳達的對於童年記憶的深刻情感以及對故鄉往事的無限懷念,也喚醒現代人逐漸忽略文化傳承的初始之心。因為有童年生活的滋潤,所以故事的鋪陳才能呈現出真實感,也因為有兒時在鄉村的體驗,所有故事中的情景彷彿是將童年景象一一還原再現,信手拈來,扣人心弦。這就是童年的養分所滋養的純真境界。 透過本論文之研究與討論,筆者欲將鄭清文童話與蘇紹連童詩作品在課外閱讀教學的應用,提出具體實作後的教學心得與省思,讓這些寫給台灣兒童看的兒童文學作品更廣為被閱讀、被討論、被重視;或許未來,我們也能樂見其出現在國小教科書的編選課文中,成為真正屬於臺灣的經典兒童文學,也期盼有更多人加入關注、研究臺灣本土兒童文學作家的行列,讓臺灣這塊土地上的孩子們都能熟悉、閱讀屬於自己鄉土的文學名著。 關鍵字: 鄭清文、蘇紹連、非典型、兒童文學、閱讀教學


Abstract Childhood provides the nourishment for life. Lin Liang once said: "The goal and value of children's literature is to capture ‘innocence’. The mark of good children’s literature is to wholeheartedly convey pureness". This dissertation delves into Zheng Qingwen's three fairy tales and Su Shaolian’s three collections of children’s poems as well as the incorporation of these works in reading, writing, teaching, and curriculum for elementary school students. The author incorporates the works of these famous Taiwanese writers into the teaching curriculum by discussing roles, plots, and imagery with students. The author hopes that the students can understand the authenticity that the two writers bring forth in their vivid descriptions. Through the class readings and discussions, students think deeply about the balance between the themes of conflict and harmony as well as tradition and modernity. In these stories, students recognize themselves and relate to the profound emotions of childhood and memories of their hometown conveyed by the writers. These works also evoke a sense of ingenuousness in the students as they connect to their own childhood memories. Each scene in the story triggers a vivid recall of personal childhood experiences. As our childhood produces an abundance of “material” to dissect, these stories present a sense of authenticity. Through the research and discussion of this dissertation, the author analyzes her teaching experience and summarizes her reflection after adapting both Zheng Qingwen’s fairy tales and Su Shaolian’s children’s poetry for her assigned reading for students. Her conclusion is that children’s literary works written by Taiwaness writers should be widely read, discussed, and valued. She also suggests that these works should be highlighted in textbooks for elementary school students. She hopes that more people will pay attention to research about Taiwanese children’s literature and support children in Taiwan in becoming more familiar with the classics. Keyword: Zheng Qingwen  Su Shaolian  Atypical  Children's literature  Reading teaching


一、 主要研究文本
