  • 學位論文


Plastic surgery in remedy of civil law of studying

指導教授 : 陳乃瑜


愛美終究是人的天性,不論性別。猶記得在數年之前,非治療性醫療美容仍是各個女性之間又愛又恨的話題,螢光幕上的影視紅星更視此為禁忌議題,被大眾媒體點到者無不極力否認,更有甚者,即會去司法機關提出告訴以正視聽,彷彿自己如同蓮花般的出淤泥而不染,強調自身的器官、容貌皆為天生麗質,毫無任何後天人工加強的非自然處。但至今日,大多數的人且包含男性已不避諱談論自己所被施術過的相關手術,此類書籍、節目等等如雨後春筍般的在市面上百花爭鳴,更有甚者,有些人視此種手術的施術為保養身體外觀的主要手段。每個人都希望自己能經由後天的施術來改善先天不足之處,尤其在這個以貌取人的社會當中,更是支持非治療性醫療美容相關行業能快速發展的因素之一;其二,因資訊流通快速、政策施行不當、且國民教育水準逐漸攀高,使得現今傳統的醫療生態改變,由以往的父權式醫療已式微,現今醫師與病患及其家屬之間的關係漸趨於平等;再者,於全民健康保險實施之後,醫生的執業所得大幅降低,遠低於實行前的水準;最主要的是,因上述所列舉之因素,直接或間接的讓醫療糾紛的司法案件數目大符增加,影響到醫師執業所能獲得的報酬,故許多不同科別的醫師均將自己的執業重心轉往近年來很風行的非治療性醫療美容的療程,不管是改變容貌的削骨手術,或是不算手術打個脈衝光的微整型,這些施術項目均可在醫院的醫美部門和市面上的診所查詢到。 因非治療性醫療美容之性質特殊,故此處會和目前的消費者保護法來一起比較,針對此行為是否屬於消費者保護法上的消費行為來做討論。非治療性醫療美容與傳統醫療相較,收益較高、且非屬必要之施術,故本文將該施術者之責任是否須提昇至無過失責任來做討論,期能將此部分報酬與所負責任朝兩者衡平的情形引導,避免間接使目前傳統醫療之供應方與非治療性醫療美容失衡,也一併保障被施術者的權益。


Every one like becoming beauty, no matter male or female. Several years ago, plastic surgery is still a sensitive issue, many stars regard that is a taboo ,if mass media show that ,the stars usually sue mass media, focusing the issue is not real. But nowadays ,many people above male already talk that, books、there are many programs of plastic surgery in the society , furthermore ,some people regard this surgery can make themselves well. Everyone hope who can prove self and become beauty by surgery, above the society focusing human's faces beauty or not, first it one of the reason why that business can be developed more faster. Second, information spread fast、policy is bad, and people's education level up,making relationship difference between doctor and patient, doctor is not saying all right now, it's equal between doctor and patient ,however after health insurance carry out ,doctor's become less than before. The most important , above facts, direct or indirect make case of judicial increase that fast , affecting doctor's pay, so many doctors change their section to plastic surgery, no matter what change face of surgery or use laser to do that, this item also can search from website. Writer regard, it's different from plastic surgery and classical medical active , plastic surgery is not necessary、urgency. Both parts when contract occur means two parts agree that, especial special condition, and about payment, the quality of plastic surgery regard doctor should finish all of work, and it's not necessary for classical medical active, no matter what finish work or not ,before item is finished owing、after that is measure owing. According above saying, writer regard plastic surgery should be located pre-work agreement, and modify other clauses. Finally , because plastic surgery is special item, in this essay, it compare with protect consumer of law. Pay of plastic surgery is more than classical medical active , so writer regard level up liability to no-fault principle, hoping balance high pay and liability, and protect patient.


