  • 學位論文


Investigating the Interactions of Aviation Industry

指導教授 : 蕭育霖


安全文化對於航空運輸業失事意外事件的潛在影響已普遍獲得共識,國際民航組織(ICAO)在其發布之安全管理手冊中即特別提出對於安全文化的充分掌握,將是業者安全管理系統優劣的關鍵因素。本研究運用結構方程模式(SEM),以國內某航空業者的安全文化問卷為分析資料庫,分別從組織、管理及員工層級,以及安全文化六項次文化: 公正文化、報告文化、告知文化、學習文化、彈性文化以及警覺文化,探討各層面之間的交互作用。研究結果發現組織對於管理以及員工具有正向影響,安全文化方面,公正文化對於報告文化、學習文化、彈性文化、警覺文化及告知文化具有正向影響。此量化驗證成果將可作為未來航空業者改善安全文化瓶頸之參考,在有限資源之下,充分考量強化個別次文化強化所可能產生的影響,期能以更有效益的方式提升航空業者安全文化管理作為。


The latent influences of safety culture to serious flight events has received consensus in the aviation industry. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has argued that safety culture is the key factor of a well-developed safety management system. In this study, we used the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to explore the mediating effects of the six safety sub-cultures in a domestic airline, which includes Just Culture, Reporting Culture, Informed Culture, Learning Culture, Flexible Culture, and Mindful Culture. Important conclusions summarized Just Culture positively affects Reporting Culture, Learning Culture, Flexible Culture, Informed culture and Mindful culture. This result could be used as an important reference to help overcoming the bottleneck of safety culture. Under the constraints of limited resources, an organization should review the potential influences of each safety sub-culture and look for a more efficient way to improve their management regarding safety culture.


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