  • 學位論文


The Feasibility Study on the Planning and Design of the Guangxi Minority Nationality Cultural and Creative Industries Base

指導教授 : 吳燦中


全球化背景下,中國文化尤其是少數民族文化正面臨著同質化危機及文化輸出之 機遇。為提升滿足民眾精神文化之消費需求,政府提出相關政策推動文創產業發展與 相關產業轉型,提升文化資源之利用率,促進文化創意產業園區之發展,引發各界對 文化創意產業園區建設之重視。通過對廣西省文創產業高品質發展現況之分析,業主 規劃在廣西桂林陽朔興建少數民族文創基地,本研究欲探究該基地規劃設計之可行性, 並實現以下目的: 一、分析文化創意產業園區的相關文獻並參考案例,整合其商業模式及規劃設計 特徵,提出可行性分析需考量之因素。 二、實地考察並依據業主需求提出空間細部規劃方案,整合相關機能及品牌意象 置入計劃設計之可行性評估架構。 三、對基地規劃設計進行可行性分析,結合各年齡層消費群體之教育及康養需求, 提出相應調整方案及細化建議,為未來相關計劃案之開發提供參考。 四、探究計劃案可實現之社會價值。 本研究通過文獻內容分析法收集整理各類文創產業基地之規劃設計,從空間動線、 機能配置、文化意涵等方面整理可行性研究要素;通過田野調查分析基地現狀,結合 訪談法整合業主需求,分析基地之規劃設計是否符合可行性評估標準並可創造預期效 益。分析後對空間規劃提出相應建議,具體化內部空間細節,得出可行性分析結論。 研究結果顯示,本計劃案之創意產業基地規劃設計符合可行性評估相關要素,並 能夠滿足各年齡層消費者之教育及文旅康養需求,有利於挖掘地區商業價值及帶動當 地產業結構優化發展。基地之建立將能夠增加青少年對文化的認同感,激發其對文化 創意的積極性、對於職業的選擇思考;高齡者也可以將該基地作為與青年人溝通的橋 樑,以陪伴代替孜養,緩解社會老齡化引發的各類問題,使基地體現社會價值。


In the context of globalization, Chinese minority culture, is facing the crisis of cultural homogenization and cultural output. In order to satisfy the people’s spiritual and cultural consumption needs, the government has issued relevant policies to promote the development of cultural, creative industries and other related industries. It improves the utilization of Chinese cultural and historical resources, and also promotes the development of cultural and creative industry parks which is attached importance by all social circles. Based on the analysis about the current situation of high-quality development of cultural and creative industries in Guangxi Province, the owner plans to build a cultural and creative base for ethnic minorities in Yangshuo, Guilin, Guangxi. This study aims to explore the feasibility of the planning and design of the base, and achieve the following objectives: 1. Analyze the relevant literature and cases about cultural and creative industry park, integrate their business operation mode and design characteristics, propose the factors that should be considered in the feasibility analysis. 2. Make a site visit and propose a specific plan fitted in with the owner's needs. Integrate the relevant functions and brand image into the feasibility evaluation framework of the planning design. 3. Analysis the feasibility of the plan according to the education and health needs for all age group. Propose the corresponding adjustment scheme and detailed suggestions, which can provide reference for the development of relevant plans in the future. 4. To explore the social benefit of this project. This research analyzes the planning of various cultural and creative industrial bases through the literature content to sort out elements of feasibility study, such as space moving line, function configuration and cultural significance. It explores the current situation of the base through field investigation, combines with interview method to integrate the needs of the owners and discusses whether the planning and design of the base conforms to the feasibility evaluation standard and can create expected benefits. After the analysis, it puts forward the corresponding suggestions for the spatial planning, concretes the internal space details, and draws the feasibility analysis conclusion. Results show that the planning and design of the creative industry base of this project conforms to the elements of feasibility assessment, it satisfies the educational and healthy needs of consumers in different age groups and is conducive to mining regional commercial value and driving the optimization of local industrial structure. At the same time, the establishment of the base will increase the young people's sense of cultural identity, stimulate their enthusiasm for cultural creativity and career choice; the elderly can use the base as a communicative bridge with the young, so as to relieve various problems caused by social aging and make the base reflect the social value.


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(10), 23-27。
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