  • 學位論文


The Counseling Strategies and Difficulties for Children Resided in Placement Institution –The Elementary School Counseling Teacher’s Experience

指導教授 : 杜淑芬


本研究旨在以國小輔導教師的觀點,探討安置生在校可能面臨之適應與輔導議題,並且對其輔導議題採取的輔導策略,及輔導之過程中可能面臨困境及因應策略。本研究採取紮根理論取向,以半結構式訪談法,透過立意取樣邀請五位與安置生接觸並與其進行輔導工作之國小輔導教師,採取個別訪談將蒐集資料內容以類別方式進行分析,運用三角檢證法檢核信實度。本研究結果為:(1)安置生在校表現攻擊、焦慮及逃避等三種不同類型的行為模式,也發現安置生呈現難以建立關係與輕易建立關係的兩種極端互動方式,皆有內在不信任議題。(2)呈現過客型的諮商輔導策略,安置生如折翼的過客,輔導人員以陪伴,建立穩定的關係的短程輔導目標,並謹慎與安置生如履薄冰的輔導關係。(3)由安置生主導自己談話內容之輔導策略,考量原生家庭議題可能對安置生產生刺激,謹慎討論或暫時避免提及安置生的過往經驗。(4)輔導過程面臨不確定的安置時程,陷入挑戰及他人對輔導工作期待之困境,而在困境中採取自我調適與自我對話、尋求督導或專業人員的協助及系統合作方式之解決之道。(5)導師與安置機構是安置生輔導工作的重要系統合作,因安置機構流動率及人力不充足,導師對安置生了解不足及固有班級經營方式產生與安置生系統合作的困境。 最後,研究者依據研究結論提出研究限制與後續研究之建議,期待提供未來接觸安置生之國小輔導教師實務工作與相關研究參考。


The aim of study was to investigate the elementary school counseling teachers’ counseling strategies and difficulties when they encounter children resided in placement institution faced with problem issues. This study adopted grounded theories approach as research methods, while semi-structured interviews were used to collect the required data. Using a purposive sampling methoed, this research invited five counseling teachers (all females, age from XX to XX) who had previous experience in providing counseling to children resided in placement institution. The results are as follows: (1) The children have three different types of behaviors: attack, resistant and avoidant. It can be found that the children showed two extreme interaction patterns, either very difficult to establish relationship with others or over-easily to relate to other people. Both have internal issue of mistrust. (2)A “passerby” type of counseling service that provided informed care for these mind-hurt children was performed. The counseling objective was to establish stable relationship and accompany them through the uncertain process of resideing. (3) Allow the children to choose what they want to share by themselves during the counseling sessions. Considering the issue of the family-of-origin may be too irratating, therefore, it must carefully discuss or temporarily avoid the past experience. (4) The counseling teachers’difficulties in working with placement children included: the uncertain time of placement program, the boundary relationship between counselor and children, and the extraordinary expectations from other teachers. To solve above difficulties, counseling teachers adopted self-adjustment, seeking supervision or professional, and cooperation with systems. (5) Homeroom teachers and the placement institution were important system cooperation resouces. Due to high turnover rate and low manpower in the placement institution, and the homeroom teachers’s limited time and understandings about the placement children, the system collaborations were difficult to implement.


