  • 學位論文


To Building up a Systematic and Priority Selection Mechanism for Corporate Strategies

指導教授 : 顧志遠


綜觀全世界的企業發展史,無一不是讓人清晰的感受到其興衰起伏,就連國家的政治經濟,以至於世界局勢,都是詭譎多變的。然而,在這世代交替的循環當中,雖然有很多企業受到不景氣的影響而紛紛倒地,卻仍有為數不少的企業依然屹立不搖,甚至藉機脫胎換骨,再造競爭高峰。譬如美國的奇異公司,藉著其6-Sigma的落實執行,平均維持每年的股東獲利在兩位數字的百分率;豐田汽車應用其精實製造設計,能夠安然度過兩次的石油危機而保持獲利。如果仔細分析這類成功企業的競爭優勢,不難發現它們的成功都有一定的道理,而非只是機運或偶然。 當我們更進一步了解,原來每一個企業或組織,其所擁有的資源能力都是有限的,而這些成功的企業經營者,正是能夠將這些資源作妥善運用,分配到其經營策略的優先順序上的一群。要能夠有效的運用資源能力,就必須建立一套整體的策略規劃思考,尤其是面臨現今競爭激烈又全球不景氣的艱困環境中,如果無法盱衡內外部局勢,掌握機會、逃避威脅;整合企業內的有限資源能力,採行適當的策略作為、發揮競爭優勢,則勢將無法在這一波經營困境中出人頭地。換句話說,企業必須持續建立其必勝的策略野心,才能立於不敗之地。正如孫子兵法軍形篇所言:「故善戰者,立於不敗之地,而不失敵之敗也。是故勝兵先勝,而後求戰;敗兵先戰而後求勝。」如此才能藉者(孫子虛實篇)「人皆知我所以勝之形,而莫知吾所以制勝之形。」最後達到(孫子謀攻篇)「不戰而屈人之兵」的策略目標。 是以,如何為企業建構一套能夠持續成功的「企業發展策略」,而且能依據其資源能力及SWOT分析,排出凝聚全體共識的「策略優先順序」,正是本論文的研究重點。而此企業發展策略的規劃過程,則是藉由多準則群組決策方法之「名義群組技術」,簡稱NGT法,來產生及選定策略,再由「德爾菲法」透過幾次反覆的問卷收發、整理、分析及改善的循環,來漸次達到所有決策參與者的策略共識,然後藉由本研究自行設計的一套「共識度衡量模式」搭配肯德爾一致性係數來計算其共識度指標,並透過意見分群的機制來協助問卷參與者朝向共識的方向修正,進而排出各策略的優先順序。至於NGT法的相關技術:腦力激盪法、腦力寫作法及票選技術;以及德爾菲法的相關技術:腦力寫作法、調查法、問卷及統計分析等手法,在本論文中將一併作文獻回顧。 最後藉由國際化企業的福特六和汽車公司作為案例,利用「創意產生技術」之NGT法來產生及選定「福特六和2001年企業發展策略」,並藉此檢視這套「共識度衡量模式」的合理性及可行性。研究結果證實:本論文不但能幫助企業建立一套系統化的策略選擇程序;而且,還能透過數個回合的德爾菲問卷之「意見回饋修正技術」搭配本研究設計之共識度分群衡量機制,來協助參與決策者漸次達成共識,進而排出各企業發展策略的優先順序,以作為企業投入其有限資源能力之參考。


To Building up a Systematic and Priority Selection Mechanism for Corporate Strategies Name: Shuei-Chuan Wu Month/Year: June, 2001 Adviser: Chi-Yuan Gu Through the growing history overview on world-wide corporations, no one wasn’t be refreshed that it’s not only those corporations, but also national politics, economical and global situations are sly and shrewd. However, within the changing cycle of generations, there were lots of corporations falling down due to depression, but still have many corporations keeping survival, moreover, transformed their capability and promoted their competence through this opportunity. For example, American G.E. Company has been practicing 6-Sigma to company-wide, which achieved shareholder value with two digital percentage up in annual average; Toyota motor company was applying lean Manufacturing Design which made itself passed two times of oil risk with safety & benefit. Through detailed analysis with competition strength on those successful corporations, it’s not so hard to find out their successful reasons followed common rule, not just rely on lucky or occasional. After we did a further studying, it’s easy to find out that every corporation is only with limited resource & capability, however, those successful corporations are the right ones who can distribute the resources to meet with their strategies priority! But, how to efficiently utilize the resources & capability? To setting up a whole thinking on strategy planning! Especially, face with current competition & depression environment, if can’t measure internal / external situation; master opportunity; escape from threat; integrate limited resources with adequate strategy activity, also enhance their competition strength…, then, that would not become outstanding corporation! In another word, corporations must to building up their strategy ambition with only “win” which is the unique way to maintain them without failure. Therefore, how to establish the continuously successful “corporate strategies” for corporations, also can be followed-up their resources/capability & SWOT analysis, to identify those “strategies priority” with organizational consensus, that’s the most important and major research on this thesis. According to above mention on the process of strategy planning , this thesis selected “Nominal Group Technique, NGT” of Multi-Criteria Group Decision Methods to create the strategies, then used “Delphi Technique” through several times of questionnaires with the cycle of prepare / feedback / analyze / improvement to assist those participants gradually achieving their strategies consensus, Finally, utilized the “Consensus Measurement Procedure” designed by this thesis to calculate their consensus index with Kendall’s Coefficient of Concordance and through the mechanism of idea grouping to help the participants revised their strategies sequence toward consensus direction, until the optimal output with the best strategies priority. So, the thesis will be not only reviewing NGT and its related techniques—Brainstorming, Brainwriting, Vote Technique; but also Delphi and its related techniques—Brainwriting, Survey, Questionnaire, Statistical Analysis…etc. In order to verify above research methods are feasible , this thesis selected the international company—Ford Lio Ho Motor to be example for trying run. The first, used NGT from “Idea Generation Techniques” to identify five big “Ford Lio Ho 2001 Corporate Strategies”, then, started to check this “Consensus Measurement Procedure” through asking management to input their personal strategies priority. The research results proved that: this thesis would be not only building up a systematic process for strategies selection; but also could assist those management level to achieve consensus gradually on their strategies priority through several times of “Idea Response & feedback Technique” by Delphi questionnaire matching up with “Grouping Mechanism of Consensus Measurement” designed by this thesis. Finally, the optimal strategies priority can be used for corporate reference to invest their limited resources & capability.


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