  • 學位論文


A Research of Community Digital Center On Urban Location Planning and Architectural Space Analysis

指導教授 : 曾光宗


社區數位學習中心區位規劃與空間需求分析之研究 私立中原大學建築學系碩士學位論文 民國九十二年六月 研 究 生:劉家雄 指導教授:曾光宗 ﹝摘 要﹞ 迎接資訊時代,台灣以成為科技島(e-Island)自我期許,關係整體競爭力的國家發展計畫也在積極推行。資訊相關產業的蓬勃發展,以及電腦與網路的普遍運用,生活型態已經逐漸轉變,必須致力於新世代之資訊教育與基礎建設,以及滿足全民對於網路使用與學習需求。資訊時代,公共化資訊場所的意義、性質、功能等課題均亟需被探討。 都市與社區結構因為電腦網路正在逐漸轉型,資訊科技的運用日漸廣泛,以致對生活與工作產生影響。面對資訊化的相關課題,如何提供大眾公共性質的資訊使用場所,且具備社會教育的意義,如終身學習、社區意識等。針對電腦與網路等科技運用在學習與生活上的功能與意義,衍伸出社區資訊中心與數位學習中心等需求,藉由研究中的網路調查與分析過程,以都市區位規劃與建築空間設計進行成果的呈現。 研究內容涵蓋都市區位到建築空間需求,均涉及人們的「事件」與「活動」,所以採用「質性」與「量化」兩類方法,探求對於事件的定義與活動相關的量化尺度。區位規劃部分採用四階段分析:(1)資訊區位相關理論(2)鄰里問卷調查(3)區位分析(4)社區實地調查。空間需求部分採用三階段分析:(1)空間需求調查(2)空間需求分析(3)建築與空間計畫分析。探討資訊化對都市與社區的影響外,亦冀望完成以下內容: 1. 藉由網路調查探討公共性質的資訊場所之定位與意義:社區網路以社區本身的資訊與居民為主,討論的議題為社區的問題。在地的社群網路應與全球資訊網取得平衡,成為全球思考、在地實踐(Think Global, Act Local)。期望社區以自有的區域網路強化社區意識、聯繫居民情感等,而利用網際網路的資源,對外進行交流與獲取資訊。 2. 探討都市整體到社區內部之公共資訊場所區位規劃:探討社區數位學習中心設置區位的問題,包括理想的設置地點應具備的區位條件,選擇時應考量的區位因素及其程序與方法,並了解社區居民對區位選擇上的意見,掌握使用者的需求,以謀求整體之規劃與配置,藉由在位置上的優越特性吸引社區居民使用。 3. 解析以使用者角度所建構之公共資訊空間需求:數位社區學習中心之建築空間研究分析,經由網路的普查了解現今網路使用者對於公共資訊空間的空間需求性,希望經由多方的整合可以建立多元應用的未來社區中心,此社區中心的主要功能乃為延續「社區總體營造」、「全民終身教育」經由國發計畫中的社區數位學習中心來實踐,並規劃未來社區資訊科技運用模式。 4. 探討社區數位學習中心的規劃理念:公共性質的資訊與學習場所,其主要的功能與服務,是維持社會公平的公共資訊提供者,也是資訊化「終身學習」的全民教室,更是社區營造與規劃的資訊工作站。


A Research of Community Digital Center On Urban Location Planning and Architectural Space Analysis By Jia-Shyong Liou Thesis Adviser: Assistant Professor Kuang-Tsung, Tseng Submitted to the Graduate School of Architecture, Chung-Yung Christian University,Taiwan 2003 in Partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of Master of Architecture Abstract Taiwan plans to become an E-island after 「2008 National Development programs」which mean to make Taiwan to be more competitive in the age of information. Now in Taiwan, IT industries are the most important coincident. Computers and Internet are generally used; the form of life is in a changeover situation. We must be bound up to education and infrastructure of information. Besides, the demand to access Internet and computer of people should be satisfied. In the age of information, the meanings, properties and functions of public information spaces are needed to discuss. The construction of cities and communities are changing to suit the information age. With the growth of IT, our life and work all be affected. How to provide people a public information space with meaning of social education, like: life-long learning, community issues…etc. Considering the efficient of IT on learning and living, we can depend on the results from the survey to discover needs of space. According to the survey results then go on a case study for location planning and architectural space analysis. This research contents urban location planning and architectural space analysis, both have「event」and「activity」elements. Base on the concept of 「material」 and「quantification」to find the meaning of events and scale of the activities. There are four progresses of analysis in the part of urban location planning: (1)Theory of information location(2)Survey of communities(3)Urban location planning(4)communities cases study. There are three progresses of analysis in the part of architectural space analysis:(1)Survey of present users of Taiwan(2)Analysis of needs of space(3)Architectural space analysis. The objective of this research is to: 1. According to a public Internet survey to find the role of public information space. A community network must focus on their own community. The local network and Internet network should have balance, become to 「Think Global, Act Local」. The local network could increase the common sense of community and combinations of habitant. On the other hand, using the Internet resources to break the boundary of community and connect to the whole world. 2. This research is intended to find the rules of location planning in urban and community. Including with the suitable location conditions, elements of location planning, and methods of location choosing, ideas and suggestions of community inhabitant. By analyzing the information become into planning principles, we could make the center more attractive and reachable to the people. 3. The planning concept of a community digital center: the main goal of a community digital center is providing the public information service. It is an information provider and database. It will play a very important role in the future and present, because this center could decrease the information gap between people who 「have」or「have not」to access the computer and Internet. The center will be the digital life-long learning classroom and workstation of community planning and management. 4. Analyzing the public information space from the view of users: the space analysis is according to the survey we’ve done and base on other theories. Because this is a pre-research of architecture in the future, we should construct it by multi-views and design it into multi-functions. This center will continue the「GLOCAL/ Community management」,「Life-long learning program」. Also, to make a model or prototype of public information using and accessing.


陳玉雯,2001,<我國網咖發展現況與問題分析>,通訊雜誌93期 。


