  • 學位論文


A Study of the Execution and Management of Technology Transfer in a Research Institute- An Example of the Dual-Use Technology of CSIST -

指導教授 : 耿筠


過去對於技術移轉的績效指標及技術移轉的管理活動之研究文獻雖很多,但針對國防科技有效移轉民間之相關研究卻不是很多。本研究之目的乃是針對國防科技如何有效移轉民間,運用研究園區做後續擴散、交流及提升等工作。根據研究目的將以主客觀的角度來探討國防科技如何有效移轉民間之問題: 1.探討技術移轉執行過程,為使國防科技順利技術移轉民間政策推廣,運用那些管理方法與活動有效的達成使命。 2.探討技術移轉過程中,除了既有的程序及規定外,有沒有潛在的因素或流程等,會影響到技術移轉成效或目標。 本研究主要係針對研發成果技術移轉至民間產業生產之各個相關技術領域中,選取已將技術移轉成果投資設備建立生產製造能量,執行技術移轉合作案之企業廠商三家為對象做個案研究。 本研究發現對技術移轉之執行過程及管理活動中,主要有那些重要影響因素會影響到技術移轉成效或目標。 1.技術移轉者與技術接受者雙方在技術移轉的過程中,早期參與計畫、双方配合互動執行及溝通管道順暢,都會影響技術移轉績效。 2.主管的參與和重視,其成效亦均能達到接受技術移轉之預期目標。 3.如何建立規範技術移轉者與技術接受者雙方相關管理活動,分為技術移轉規畫(產生技術需求及展開技術搜尋)、可行性評估(包括技術評估、財務評估、人力評估及市場評估)、簽約及技術移轉執行管理等四個構面,會影響技術移轉預期目標之順利達成。


Although there were many published research papers on the performance index and management activities of the Technology Transfer (TF), few discussed the effectiveness of the National Defense Technology (NDT) transferr to the civil industry. The purpose of this study is on the topics of how to make NDT transfer to civil industry effectively, and how to make proper use of “Research Park” for the following distribution, communication and promotion etc. Based upon the purpose mentioned above, this study will discuss, from both subjective and objective angles, how to effectively transfer NDT to civil industry: 1. In the technology transfer process, what management methods and actions can be applied to effectively carry out the policy of transferring NDT to civil industry? 2. In the technology transfer process, are there any in-depth factors or rules, other than the already existing procedures and rules, which will affect the effectiveness and goals of the transfer? From the related areas of transferring R&D technology to civil industry for line production, this study selects three representative business companies already investing on purchasing equipments to buildup its production capability on the basis of the technology transfer achievements, as individual research subjects. It is discovered, from the research results, that in the technology transfer executing process and management actions, the main important factors to affect the technology transfer outcomes or goals are as follows: 1. In the technology transfer process, the factors that both the technology transferor and acceptee can join the plan in the early phase, maintain mutually co-operated executions and smooth communication channels do affect the effectiveness of technology transfer process. 2. The boss’s participations and attentions will drive effectively to the expected goals of accepting technology transfer. 3. As for how to establish the rules of related management actions between technology transferor and acceptee, 4 items, which will affect the successful accomplishment of expected goals of technology transfer, are as following: technology transfer plan (including create technology requirements and start technology search), feasibility study (including technology evaluation, financial evaluation, human resources evaluation and market evaluation), sign contract and technology transfer execution management.


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