  • 學位論文


A Study of Customer Relationship Management in the Motorcycle Industry ─ Based on Knowledge Management

指導教授 : 吳肇銘


隨著經濟的發展,消費者意識逐漸抬頭,企業經營的競爭愈趨激烈,做好顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM),是企業建立競爭優勢的重要課題。在過去,因為資訊科技還不成熟,顧客關係管理導入費用十分昂貴,因此,中小企業沒有能力建置顧客關係管理系統。但隨著e化腳步向前大步邁進,資訊科技的快速成長,導入顧客關係管理已不再是高不可攀,傳統產業如何利用資訊科技來導入顧客關係管理,建立與顧客長久持續性關係,是擺脫傳統產業經營困境最重要的方法之一。 機車是國人重要的交通工具,但隨著經濟的發展,汽車產業持續成長與公共交通建設的完成,導致機車購買率逐年下降,機車產銷體系經營因難;如何利用資訊科技的輔助,建置顧客關係管理系統,提升顧客的服務品質,提高商品附加價值,創造企業利潤,是機車產銷體系要持續經營成長的當務之急。 本研究採用探索性的研究,從機車製造廠、機車經銷商、系統開發公司與顧客四個方面,藉由對顧客相關資訊系統開發人員、資訊系統使用者及顧客的訪談結果,探討機車產銷體系如何利用資訊科技來協助機車經銷產業導入顧客關係管理,協助製造公司與經銷商提高顧客服務,提高產品價值,並且提升機車經銷產業的價值與競爭優勢。 研究結果發現,由於機車產銷體系是由不同的企業個體共同導入顧客關係管理,在發展顧客關係管理的制度與系統時,必需以知識管理(Knowledge Management,KM)為基礎,對於顧客的服務內容進行確認、蒐集與分析,由作業性的服務內容,提昇為上下游協同合作共同提供顧客全面性的資訊服務內容;從目前單一功能性的顧客系統,改善為整合上下游協同合作的系統,統合產銷工作流程及管理,以企業入口網站(Enterprise Information Portal,EIP)整合單機系統,建立產銷協同管理機制,達到快速顧客回饋與互動機制,以一致性的策略目標,整合性的資源規劃共同推動導入產銷體系的顧客關係管理,提高產業的競爭優勢與更高的經營效益。


With the development of the economy, customers’ opinions are gradually highlighted more than the past. The intense competition among industries shows that a good Customer Relationship Management (CRM) actually decides whether or not a company is a competitive one. This research adopts exploratory methodology that emphasizes the discoveries we obtained from the interviews with customer-related information system builders, the information system users, and the customers. With the use of the interview results, we cut into the discussion of how motorcycle manufacturing system uses informational technology to introduce the manufacturers CRM from four angles: the motorcycle manufacturers, the motorcycle traders, companies that develop the information system, and also the customers. Thus, We shall be able to not only assist both the manufacturers and the traders to improve the quality of customer services and raise the product value, but also make the whole motorcycle industry a more competitive one. The research result shows that as different independent companies introduce CRM to the motorcycle industry, we must set the Knowledge Management (KM) as the basis when developing the system and policies of CRM, confirm what is covered in customer services. We should upgrade customer services from a coarse service to an all-around informational one’s which focuses on the co-operation of the manufacturers and the traders. Besides, we should change the single functioned customer system to a manufacturer-and-trader-incorporated one, and incorporate the process and the management of manufacturing and trading by using Enterprise Informational Portal (EIP) to realize the goals of rapid and effective benefit feedback and interaction with customers. We should aim at reaching a conformable strategic goal and planning a corporative information system when introducing CRM to the industry. Eventually, we will be able to strengthen the industry and create higher administrative effects.


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