  • 學位論文


A Research of Architectural Planning on the Learning Space of Inclusive Education –the Case Study of Elementary School, National Hsinchu Teacher’s College.

指導教授 : 曾光宗


在舊有教育體制下,輕度特殊學生可以選擇在普通學校或特殊學校接受教育,但中、重度特殊學生則只能選擇在特殊學校成長。當特殊學生畢業之後,面對一個他們從未接觸過的世界,特殊學生可能無法適應如此劇烈的變化。此外,在普通學校就讀的普通學生從未接觸過特殊學生,當他們面對特殊學生時,會發現他們行為無法自理、答非所問、能力較弱等,因此對他們有所恐懼或歧視,進而排斥、欺負他們,當普通學生畢業之後,面對一些弱勢族群還是會有輕視、排擠的態度。 融合教育主要目的是讓特殊學生與普通學生一起學習、生活,大家不分你我,特殊學生可以藉此學習如何與普通學生相處,以增進本身的社會互動能力;而普通學生也藉此學習認識特殊學生,並對特殊學生不會再有輕蔑、欺侮的態度。當融合教育理念在國民小學實施時,也就是將兩個不同的族群置於同一個空間中,不論是在空間上、時間上、課程上與教學上都會有所改變,本研究基於以上所述而產生研究動機。此外,普通學校的現有教室空間一直維持為一個標準方正的空間,並沒有針對學生所設計的教室空間,本研究以學生的角度為出發點,針對學生的學習空間進行分析,探討學習空間的各種可能性。 本研究主要目的是探討國民小學實施融合教育時,所面臨的空間問題與限制,並塑造一個適合教師、學生彼此互動的學習空間。本研究之調查對象為新竹師範學院附設實驗小學融合班,並以問卷、觀察調查法深入瞭解教師與學生使用空間的情形,本研究除了發掘教師、學生使用學習空間的問題與原因之外,也冀望完成以下項目: 1.解析教師所使用教學型態與學習空間的關係,以瞭解教師運用不同的教學策略、空間機能配合各種教學型態。 2.理解學生互動行為的內容與特質,並描述學生在教室各個空間中不同互動行為的現況,分類學生的互動行為,進而分析「行為場景」的特徵。 3.針對教師所規劃理想教室空間圖面中,比較分析現有教室與新教室空間,探討教師規劃理想空間的共通性與原則。 4.綜合分析結果,解析融合教育理念學校之學習空間需求,並歸納出具體的建議,提供未來空間規劃者、教師參考。


In the past system of education, mildly handicapped students can choose to study in the common school or in the school of special education. Students of disability only decide to grow up in the school of special education. After they graduate from special school, they confront an unknown world that was never contacted with them. They could not adapt to such as variations. Besides, students never contact with students of disability in the common school. When they confront students of disability, they can discover that students of disability can not control their behavior. They could fear of students of disability, or they prejudice against students of disability, so that they can bully students of disability. After they leave from school, they face some of disadvantaged minority by belittling attitude. The main focus of inclusive education is to make common students and students of disability learn and study together. Students of disability can learn about how to relate to people in order to increase ability of social interaction. Common students also learn about understanding students of disability, moreover, reduce pejorative attitude. When inclusive education will be carried out elementary school, two kinds of students will be in the same space. It will be changed in the space and curriculums. The classrooms in the elementary school are preserved standard space, but it is not designed about the students. The threshold of the research is by a view point of students. The research is analyzed about the learning space of students, and probed into the various possibilities of learning space. When inclusive education is carried out elementary school, the main focus of the research is to explore the problems and limits in the space. The research is used by questions and observations of investigation. In addition to exploring the problem and causes of the problem from the teachers and students using learning space, the objective of this research is to: 1. Analyze the correlations of the teaching styles and the learning space. The research is able find out that the teachers use the different teaching methods and space to match up by the various teaching styles. 2. Explore the contents and specialty of the student’s interactive behavior. The research is able to find out how they behave in the different space of the classroom. Furthermore, this research is to distinguish the characteristic of that setting, and to categorize the student’s interactive behaviors. 3. This research is done by the sketches of perfect classroom drawn by the teachers and compared the classrooms that is used and new school. The research is able to find out the principles of the perfect classrooms designed by the teachers in common. 4. This research finally concludes the outcome of the analysis, with the expectation to understand the demand of space in the elementary schools that carry out inclusive education, and propose substantial and influential recommendations as a consultation for space designer in the future.


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