  • 學位論文

人資人員在組織實施精簡時角色定位與衝突之研究 以高科技產業為例

The Role and Conflict of Human Resourse Personnel in the Process of Downsizing - An Example of High-tech Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 丁姵元


中文摘要 由於此次金融海嘯對於全球金融與經濟影響甚鉅,也造成許多組織面臨生死存亡的狀態,各企業為了生存莫不祭出組織精簡策略來因應。而本研究對象為因金融海嘯而造成營運影響的高科技產業,由於該業界為此次金融海嘯受創嚴重且感受極為強烈的產業,而過去的組織精簡議題從未探討關於人資人員本身在角色定位、內心衝突的狀態與原因,即為本研究之研究目的。 本研究希望藉由訪談的方式及透過各式文獻的探討,並利用質性研究的方法去了解問題的根源及現象所呈現的意義來了解人資人員在組織精簡時期,其內心知覺的變化與感受上的差異,並探討及歸納他們所呈現的訊息及情境,以及其所帶來的影響為何,並且期望研究發現能提供實務界上未來能改善或重視人資人員知覺與內心狀態。 資料分析的結果發現受訪者對於角色定位、內心衝突以及人資人員面對勞資雙方的角度造成影響的有資歷的完整度,其影響人資人員在處理與面對勞資關係時的方式與周延度;人資人員在組織中受重視的程度亦會影響其在執行組織任務時的工作熱情及組織忠誠度;而人資人員的資歷完整且職權越高者,對於組織的認同感則越高,思考角度也越廣泛,因此對於角色定位與內心衝突的狀態越低;反之,資淺者且處於基層人資人員者,則容易產生內心衝突與角色矛盾的狀態。 除上述之狀態外,透過資料分析後還發現,人資人員多半有著高度的情緒勞務狀態。由於人資角色的多樣化與雙重性,在加上其職務是長期與人接觸互動且複雜度高,若人資人員必須屏除、漠視或改變自我的感受,就不免容易涉入高度情緒勞務的狀態而不自知。長期下來,這樣的人資人員將透過與員工的互動及接觸中,傳遞出對組織負面的溝通,進而產生對組織績效與營運的不良結果,因此如何減低人資人員的角色定位及內心衝突,並且舒緩人資人員的情緒勞務狀態,都是重要的企業經營議題之一。 關鍵字:人資人員、角色定位、衝突、情緒勞務


Abstract As financial tsunami stroke at global financial and economy heavily, many organizations find it hard to survive. Many of them had tried to resolve their problem by laying people off. This study especially focus on the industry of high-technology industries which were hurt seriously. And there seems to be very few researches about the process from the perspective of HR. Therefore, the focus of this research is to explore the feeling, problem of role conflict and role-conflict in the process of downsizing. In this study, interview and document analysis in qualitative research has been used as the methodology. The research result shows that the different level of role identity, role conflict can affect the way they handle the conflict between the employees and employers in the process of downsizing. Moreover, the degree of importance of HR in the organization can also affect the passion and loyalty of HR personnel. The results also demonstrates that the higher the rank of the HR personnel, the higher their commitment to their organization. As a result, their problem in role identiy and role conflict become less in the process. On the other hand, the HR personnel at lower level seems to have more role identity and conflict problem. Moreover, we found most HR personnel seems to have high high emotional labor. Because of diversification and duality in their roles, most of HR personnel have to interact with other people at work so often that they need to hide and ignore their personally feeling and emotion. If the problem of emotional labor cannot be solved, it would probably result in negative attitude towards organization which would affect the quality of the service HR delivered to the organizations. Therefore, how to decrease the role conflict and the level of emotional labor of HR personnel seems to be an important issue to organizations. . KEY WORDS: HUMAN RESOURCE PERSONNEL, ROLE-IDENTIFY, CONFLICT, EMOTIONAL LABOR


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