  • 學位論文


Research on the Value of Conservation for Ancestral Halls in Xinpu Settlement

指導教授 : 林曉薇


本研究主要以場域保存觀點探討祠堂對新埔市街聚落環境之影響與價值,及祠堂有形與無形文化的相互關係。首先回顧臺灣聚落保存從懷舊仿古的整修,到劃設保存區,似乎是當代保存觀尚未普遍的必要手段,然而保存最終須回到聚落的核心價值探究,將有形文化資產與無形文化資產整合,並使文化資產回到人群網絡、歷史環境與快速流動的當代社會中省思新的意義。故擬定研究議題包含:1.釐清各宗祠家廟創建過程與宗族運作制度。 2.分析新埔市街宗族崛起的人文地景。 3.詮釋宗祠文化資產保存價值。 4.探討公部門以宗祠家廟集體保存之推動模式,作為宗族制度重新運作之契機。 新埔為一處沉寂許久的農業鄉鎮,地形倚山臨河,由鳳山溪與霄裡溪匯集的河谷平原與沃土吸引遠從大陸原鄉來臺墾拓的客家先民,清末與日治時因位處山與海之間的物資中繼站而繁盛一期,卻隨著河運交通逐漸沒落,從政經核心退居邊緣,留下全臺密度最高的宗祠家廟群,見證新埔市街商業極盛的歷史,同時象徵客家族群開拓新埔的重要起點。 正當新埔聚落面臨宗族觀念日漸淡薄與祠堂逐漸破敗,2006年公部門啟動新埔宗祠博物館計畫,試圖以文化資產保存的法令與觀念,介入私有祠堂建築保存行動。筆者亦參與2013年2月至12月駐地工作站推動工作,透過實際參與理解各宗祠推動文化保存的現實差異,進而思考宗祠文化保存的當代意義。研究發現如下: 一、外部資源強化新埔祠堂文化資產保存核心價值之形塑與轉變 二、新埔祠堂轉型從宗族關係朝向公共性認同 三、新埔市街場域角色從權力競技場轉為多元學習場域


This research focused on the conservation of ancestral halls and how its value influenced the development of Xinpu settlement from a regional conservation standpoint. It illustrates the relationship between tangible and intangible heritage in ancestral halls, and analyzes how Xinpu Ancestral Halls Museum programme to be a juncture. Therefore, this research amis at:1) Clarify the process of creating each ancestral family halls and clan operation system. 2) Analyze the development of humanities in Xinpu settlement. 3) Interpret the value of ancestral hall cultures and preservation. 4) Study the ancestral halls conservation models from the public sectors standpoint. In this study, I analyzed how families were connected to each other and gained recognition in society by building ancestral halls and holding ceremonies for ancestor worship, while inevitably, facing the collapse of family value and the buildings as time went by. In 2006, the public sector started Xinpu Ancestral Halls Museum programme, and took some actions on the protection of private historic sites under national policy. I participated this program and inspired by this action , therefore, I tried to find out the value of conservation of ancestral halls. The research results are as below: 1.External resources help to shape the value of conservation for Xinpu ancestral halls. 2.The value of ancestral halls in Xinpu transit toward public recognition of cultural Heritage. 3.The role of Xinpu settlement is changed from the arena of power to a multi- learning space.


李亦園(2010)。〈近代中國家族的變遷:一個人類學的探討〉《人類學與現代社會》台北:Airiti Press(華藝數位經銷)
