  • 學位論文


The Relationship of Taiwan Printed Circuit Board Industrial Cluster and Corporate Strategy

指導教授 : 曲祉寧 王如鈺


台灣廠商位居全球電子產業製造要角,由於印刷電路板產業(以下簡稱PCB產業)逐漸以大陸地區為生產重心,2003年起隨著廠商轉往利基型產品發展,再加上手機、LCD發展、筆記型電腦取代桌上型電腦之效應,我國PCB產業在下游實質需求的帶動下、廠商產品組合調整及大陸佈局已漸具成效下,近年來產值成長幅度持續優於全球。 在Porter(2001)的競爭論中提到「產業群聚清楚地代表一種合作與競爭的組合;管理的研究報告也顯示,大家對於供應商和客戶之間緊密連結的重要性,以及委外或夥伴關係的價值,有越來越深刻的瞭解。」以及「產業群聚是在某特定領域中,一群地理上鄰近、有交互關聯的企業和法人機構,並以彼此的共通性和互補性相連結。」。因此,要找出PCB產業群聚內的廠商及其組成要素,應從大企業或是類似廠商集中情形開始,找出其垂直關係連結的上下游,以及其水平廠商之間的關聯性。 研究架構主要以環境因素及廠商因素兩大構念,來探討其對產業群聚與廠商之間網絡關係,以及企業對廠商之外包管理的影響及關聯性。環境因素主要包含總體環境、產品特性、以及製程的可分割性三個構面,廠商因素主要包含企業經營策略為企業規模兩個構面。 本研究經實證訪談後發現一、充分利用產業群聚,生產已成熟之標準化製程產品,因此節省企業內部的管理資源,獲取額外的資源進行資源的重新配置與價值的創造。二、 欣興建立公開公平的計價規則,引導外包廠商良性競爭。三、欣興利用分等分級的方式,區分外包廠商的實力,並以此為下單的依據。四、對生產力較高的 PCB 單站製程廠商,在短期享有超額利潤,但在長期仍面對其他單站製程廠商的激烈競爭。五、由於各 PCB 單站製程的資本(人力/資金)投入很高,如何維繫週轉率是各單站製程最重要的依據。六、電子產品的售價逐年降低,利潤率逐漸下降,有效與 PCB 大廠形成分工,提高各單站製程的專業分工能力,是各單站製程成長的關鍵。七、當有剩餘的產能時,不斷利用其發展新技術,可能獲得更高的技術與生產製程能力,以保持和外包廠商的製程差異。


Taiwanese electronics manufacturers have led the global manufacturing in recent years! This is the benefit of which most of Taiwanese PCB manufacturing shifted to Mainland China. From 2003, companies remove their focus on niche products, in addition to the flourishing development of cell phones, LCD, notebooks, etc, Taiwanese PCB industry has growing prior to the global development driving by the real demand of the downstream, product combination adjustment and the synergy of Mainland China allocations. This was mentioned on Porter’s competition theory in 2001: industry cluster represents a combination of cooperation and competition. Also, the management research reports reveal that the importance of close connection between suppliers and customers, and the understanding of what will be the value for outsourcing and partnership.In some particular fields, industry cluster will be the counter connection between enterprises in terms of geographical convenience. Hence, it’s necessary to begin with bigger enterprises or similar companies if we need to know the combination and key factors inside the cluster, and to find out the connection horizontally and vertically. There are two main concept included in this reach structure which are environmental factor and enterprises factor, which are used for discussing the influence and connection among industry cluster networks, enterprises and outsourcing management. The environmental factor consists of macro atmosphere, product characteristics and manufacturing process which are divisible. The enterprises factor is based on operation strategy and enterprise scale. The findings after interview are as below: 1. Producing standard products by fully utilizing industry cluster. This is resulted in saving the management resource and getting extra resource re-allocation and value creation. 2. Unimicron has built up a fair price evaluation rule and led the contract manufacturers in good competition. 3. By grading the contract manufacturers, Unimicron can distinguish the strength of each individuals and place orders in accordance with the evaluation. 4. For those high productivity PCB single process manufacturers, they can get exceeded profit in short run. However, they still face the fierce competition against other single process manufacturers in long run. 5. Due to the high capital investments (labor/money) for PCB single process, how to maintain the turnover rate is the most important basis. 6. To be in the wake of price and profit reduction, the key issue for single process growth is to work together with big PCB manufacturers efficiently and enhance the individual professional capability. 7. While facing productivity surplus, they can develop new techniques to reinforce skills and manufacturing capabilities so that they can keep the discrepancy away from the contract manufacturers.


1. 李順騫 (民92) 企業經營策略與產業聚群關係之研究-以蘇州地區台商印刷電路板產業為例,中原大學 企業管理研究所
2. 吳秉哲 (民94) 台灣地區產業群聚及其空間分布之研究,國立成功大學 都市計畫學系
3. 唐瑞昌 (民96) 台灣印刷電路板產業競爭策略之分析-以A公司為例,中原大學 企業管理研究所
6. 鍾富全 (民92) 企業經營策略與產業聚群關係之研究-以蘇州地區台商筆記型電腦產業為例,中原大學 企業管理研究所
1. D.Besanko,D.Dranove,M.Shanley,S.Schaefer,Economics of Strategy


劉俊男(2012)。台灣重電製造業經營策略之研究 —以台灣T公司重電事業部為例—〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201200043
