  • 學位論文


An Action Research about the Lesson Plans of “Factor and Multiple” in Mathematics Field for the Fifth Graders of the Elementary Schools and Their Learning Progress

指導教授 : 楊坤原


世界各國不約而同在二十世紀末展開教育改革計畫,針對學生數學能力的提升,強調發揮教師的專業,促進學習效果的提升。而教學與學習是一體的兩面,唯有在進行教學時也觀察學生的學習反應,才能真正了解學生學習的狀況,做為教學改進的參考,方能提升學習的效果。 研究者在教學現場發現,學生對「因數與倍數」單元感到抽象,因此針對桃園縣某國小五年級一班常態編班的班級35位學生,以合作行動研究的方式,組織合作行動研究小組,透過討論、質疑、辯證擬訂教學設計;並在教學中由合作行動研究小組進入教室觀察,並於教學後,透過教學省思單、觀察記錄、教學實錄…等多元的資料做三角校正。本研究參考張德銳教授研發的「發展性教師評鑑系統」各類檢核表,進行教學前課程評鑑,教學與學習結果的檢核。以建構理論、情境學習理論,學習歷程以及「因數與倍數」學習困難和教學設計的相關文獻,做為本研究的立論基礎。 本研究目的旨在探究如何進行教學設計促進教學成效,並在教學中觀察學生學習的歷程。研究結果發現:一、在學生學習歷程方面:學習感興趣;理解與發表有令人驚奇的表現;學習表現因數的答對率是91.5%、倍數是89.4%;因數與倍數的學習概念從數字關係進入,藉由數線察覺最小公倍數與公倍數,藉由找成員活動理解倍數與因數的特性,藉由古氏積木察覺因數與倍數的關係。二、在教學設計方面,本教學設計符合概念學習的認知運作,符合建構的歷程,符合情境模式的精神,提供有效的教具促進學生理解,有效解決因數與倍數的學習困難;透過合作小組的方式,建構出教學設計的步驟與教學模式。


教學設計 因數 學習歷程 倍數


Abstract In the end of the twentieth century, all countries around the world take the same action in launching educational revolution which aims at upgrading students’ mathematical ability by giving free rein to the performance of teachers in order to maximize students’ learning effect. Since teaching and learning are reciprocal, through observing students’ learning reaction teachers can really understand students’ learning status. Teachers take what they have observed to improve their teaching method thence upgrade students’ learning effect. Teachers noticed while teaching that the unit “factor & multiple” in mathematics is tough for the fifth graders of elementary school in general. A team of teachers among Taoyuan county’s elementary schools picked a normal class consists of 35 fifth graders as the sample objects to conduct a cooperative research on Lesson Plan for “factor and multiple”. After discussion, mutual inquiry and dialogue, teachers then came into the classroom to observe students’ presentation of their strategies in solving problems and their fallacies in their learning process. To ensure the reliability of the research result, the seminar organized a triangle rectification after class according to such data as teaching reflection logs, observing records, and teaching VD, etc. To consolidate the validity of the qualitative result, the research adopts various checking lists from Professor Chang Te-jui’s “Developing Teacher Evaluation System” to undergo the curriculum evaluation before class, the teaching and learning assessment in class, and the examination of the teaching and learning result after class. The research is based on constructivism, situated learning theory, learning portfolio, and related documents on the learning difficulty and Lesson Plans for “factor & multiple”. The purpose of this research is to explore the effect of Lesson Plan and how students learn their way of solving problems. The research find out: 1) on the students side: they show greater interest in math; amazing improvement in comprehension and presentation; the correct answer percentage on factor is 91.5% and multiple is 89.4%; enter the “factor & multiple” world via figures; understand the common multiple and smallest common multiple thru figure-line; by looking for specific members to find out the unique features of “factor & multiple”; understand the relation between “factor & multiple” by the Koo’s building blocks. 2) On the aspect of the teaching process, this Lesson Plan matches the requirements of learning the operation by concept absorption, the correct approach of operation procedure construction, the spirit of environment modeling, providing effective teaching/learning tools to improve student comprehension and learning difficulty resolution; the research helps in constructing a new teaching procedure and a teaching model.


factor learning portfolio multiple lesson plan


