  • 學位論文


Development of the Plantar Pressure Analysis System

指導教授 : 徐良育


足底筋膜炎(Plantar fasciitis) ,是一種常見的足底疾病。足底筋膜是一種扇形筋膜組織,從腳跟連接至腳尖,是支撐足弓、穩定腳踝和協助吸震的角色。當腳部承受壓力過大時,會導致韌帶和筋膜損傷,進而引發足底筋膜炎。在臨床上,依賴醫生的診斷或物理治療師長期幫助下復健,且需要專業的設備進行步態量測。市面上,量測步態的設備只設置在大型醫院的步態實驗室,而此設備昂貴又龐大,且讓患者進行量測時有諸多侷限性。因此本研究採用雙腳十個壓力感測器(各5個感測器)製成足壓鞋墊,以進行步態的量測。 本研究主要開發足底壓力分析系統。利用簡易足底壓力量測系統,使用android手機做為訊號儲存的平台,使系統不受空間與時間限制,量測腳底壓力分佈。再進一步利用本研究開發MATLAB分析軟體分析足底壓力訊號。分析參數為步頻、步期、最大壓力、平均壓力、足底中心壓力、足底中心壓力速度、足底中心壓力速率、足底中心壓力支撐線、最大壓力時間點、最大壓力地區、絕對對稱指數和變異係數。 本研究同時針對實驗組(足底筋膜患者)與對照組(正常人)進行數據採集並進行步態與壓力數值的分析,以探討實驗組前/後測與對照組的足底壓力分布的異同,進而協助醫生或物理治療師的診斷。


Plantar fasciitis is a common plantar disease. The plantar fascia is a fan-shaped fascia that connects the heel to the toes. It supports the arch, stabilizes the ankle, and assists in shock absorption. When the pressure on the foot is too large, it will cause damage to the ligaments and fascia, which may cause plantar fasciitis. Clinically, it is necessary to perform long-term rehabilitation with the help of a doctor's diagnosis or a physical therapist, and gait measurement , which requires specialized equipment. The commercial gait measuring device is usually available in gait laboratory in a large hospital. These devices are expensive, bulky and have many limitations in patient measurements. Therefore, in this study, ten pressure sensors ( in 5 sensors each foot) were used to make a feet pressure insole for gait measurement.。 The purpose of this study is to develop the plantar pressure analysis system. Using the simple foot pressure measurement system and the android mobile phone as a signal storage platform, the system is free from time and space limitation. Additionally, it can accurately measure the pressure distribution of the sole. This studies developes a MATLAB analysis software to analyze the plantar pressure signal. Analytical parameters includes stride frequency, stride period, maximum pressure, mean pressure, center of pressure, center of pressure velocity, center of pressure speed, center of pressure support line, maximum pressure time, maximum pressure area, the absolute symmetry index and coefficient of variation. Data were collected from the test group (plantar fascia patients) and the control group (normal), then the gait and plantar pressure values were analyzed. The similarity and difference of the plantar pressure distribution in the test group pre-test/post-test and control group was discussed, as reference for doctor or physiotherapist diagnosis.


【1】 Memstec(2019年) ‧薄膜壓力感測器-A301‧2019年01月15日取自http://www.memstec.com.tw/product.php?pid=434
【2】 陳谷瑞 (2018,7月)‧建構可攜式低功號藍牙足壓量測裝置‧桃園:私立中原大學生物醫學工程學系研究所
【3】 程琬榕 (2018,7月)‧以一對多藍牙傳輸建構之步態分析系統‧桃園:私立中原大學生物醫學工程學系研究所
【4】 healthline (2018,3月21日)‧Plantar Fasciitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis‧2019年01月15日取自https://www.healthline.com/health/plantar-fasciitis
【5】 維基百科(2017,10月07日)‧足底筋膜炎‧2019年01月15日取自https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%B6%B3%E5%BA%95%E7%AD%8B%E8%86%9C%E7%82%8E

