  • 學位論文


The Study of Key Success Factors for Implementing Smart Production Mode in the Food Processing Industry

指導教授 : 曾世賢


隨著工業 4.0 的來臨衝擊產業環境,企業紛紛相繼轉型,特別是傳統製造業的生產 模式面臨前所未有的挑戰,人口老化、勞動力不足、資源減縮及生產力下降都是目前所 面臨得重大問題,顯然,食品加工廠導入智能化已成為現今學術及實務關注的焦點之一。 過往相關文獻大多針對整體中小企業轉型工業 4.0 的關鍵因素探究,另外亦針對導入工 業 4.0 後的相關影響作深入探究,鮮少研究針對食品加工業深入探究,因此,本研究希 望能夠藉由專家的角度探討食品加工業導入智能化的關鍵因素。 本文應用決策實驗室法與網路分析程序法確定食品加工業導入智能化之關鍵因素, 並發放六份專家問卷,依據專家給予的回饋,找出關鍵因素並繪製出網絡圖,瞭解影響 關聯性及重要程度。實證研究發現,專家所認為的關鍵準則為「IT 基礎建設」、「資訊 系統與科技」、「系統安全」、「資訊整合」、「高階管理者支持」、「產業競爭優勢」, 而其中「IT 基礎建設」為源頭向外影響其他關鍵因素。最後,本文根據研究結果提供後 續研究者及產業界具體建議之參考。


With the industry environment impacted by the advent of Industry 4.0, enterprises have been transforming one after another. Unprecedented challenges have been imposed on the production mode of traditional manufacturing industry, including the major problems of population aging, labor force shortage, resource reduction and productivity capacity decline. It’s clear that the introduction of intelligent programs into food processing plants has been one of the focuses of academic and practical concerns nowadays. In the past, most of relevant literature focused on the key factors leading to overall transformation of SMEs’ into Industry 4.0 as well as in-depth research on the influences of Industry 4.0 after it has been introduced. Such past literature, on the contrary, rarely probed the food processing industry. Therefore, this study shall discuss the key factors of introducing intelligence into food processing industry from the perspective of experts. In this paper, the Decision-making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) and Analytic Network Process (ANP) were applied to identify the key factors for introducing intelligence into food processing industry and six questionnaires were sent to the experts. According to the feedback from experts, the key factors were found and network diagrams were drawn to learn about the relevance and importance of the key factors. Based on the empirical research, the key factors conceived by the experts included “IT infrastructure”, “information system and technology”, “system security”, “information integration”, “support from senior management” and “competitive edges in industry.” Among which, “IT infrastructure” was an extrinsic factor affecting the other key factors. Finally, based on the research results, this paper came up with specific suggestions for reference for future researchers and industry.


一、 中文文獻
王立志, 范書愷, 丁慶榮, 郭財吉, 林春成, 許嘉裕(2018)。生產系統於先進智能製造之展望.管理與系統。25(3), 381-412.。
