  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Male and Female Principals' Caring Leadership Behaviors in Elementary Schools

指導教授 : 簡玉敏


摘要 本研究主要以Noddings的關懷倫理學作為研究理論基礎,探討國小男女校長關懷領導理念與行為,及其對教師所產生的意義,並據以提出相關的結論與建議。 研究目的首先了解國國小男性校長關懷領導理念與行為,其次瞭解女性校長關懷領導理念與行為,在進一步探討男女校長關懷領導行為對教師所產生的意義,最後比較男女校長之關懷領導行為。 本研究採個案研究法,以半結構深入訪談與參與觀察為主,並以非正式訪談、文件分析、與研究日誌為輔,且運用持續比較法(Glaser 與Strauss, 1967)進行資料分析,並使用三角檢證、研究者回饋即參與者查證,以確保資料的真實性。訪談對象包括世源國小校長、行政人員三位、級任教師三位、與科任教師一位,以及福沙國小校長、行政人員三位、級任教師四位。   本研究結論有以下四點: 一、男性個案校長為了落實友善的校園以「我們都是一家人」的理念,發展出四個層面的關懷領導行為:美化環境與增置設備、多元課程規劃、營造大家庭般關懷的人際互動、像家人般溝通解決問題與衝突。 二、女性個案校長希望塑造一間讓成員感受安全又快樂的關懷校園,她以「學校是一個家」的關懷理念出發,落實四個層面的關懷領導行為:建構校園與美化空間、結合學校願景的多元課程規劃、營造校園溫馨氣氛的人際互動、以對方立場理解問題以降低衝突。 三、兩位個案校長對學校教師充分展現關懷之行為,使得兩校的教師皆以努力支持學校與主動協助校長作為接納校長的回應。 四、陶校長與朴校長皆具有關懷的特質,但會因學校背景、學校行政人員與教師服務年資、家長期望的不同而在人際互動、組織層面、以及個人與學校組織展現不同的關懷領導行為。


Abstract The study mainly bases on the caring ethic theory of Noddings, which is inquiring a male and a female principals' caring leadership behaviors in elementary schools and the meanings to the teachers. The Researcher then proposes the conclusion and recommendation according to the purpose. The purposes and questions of the study include four ideas. First of all, trying to understand a male principals' caring leadership concepts and behaviors. Then, to know a female principals' caring leadership concepts and behaviors. Third, to inquire the meanings which are caused by a female principals' caring leadership behaviors to the teachers. Finally, to compare a male and a female principals' caring leadership behaviors. The study is a case study which is mainly conducted by in-depth interview and participatory observation, and partly by informal interview, document analysis, and research diary. Besides, data analysis employed the six steps of Constent Comparison Method (Glaser & Strauss, 1967). Data trusworthiness includes triangulation, feedback and member check from the instructors for the accuracy of data interpretation. In addition, a male principal, three administers, three tutors, a subject teacher of Shih Yuan elementary and a female principal, three administers, four tutors of Fu Sha elementary are involved in the participants of the study.   The four conclusions of the research are as follows: 1. In order to put his “We are family” caring concept into practice, the male principal of the study develops four caring leadership behaviors perspectives: beautify the environment and add equipment, multicourses, create familylike caring interaction, and familylike problom solving. 2. The female principal of the study would like to build a caring campus where people feel safe and happy. Her caring concept is “school is home” and she carry out four level caring leadership behaviors: build and embellish the campus, fullfill the school vision into the multicourses, create warmlike interaction in the school, and reduce conflicts by trying to understand others while having different viewpoints. 3. The male and female principals of the study show fully of the caring behaviors, which make both of the two schools teachers willing to help them as their feedback. 4. The male and female principals of the study both have caring characteristics, while the study shows that different school backgrounds, administrators and teachers’ teaching years, and parents expects also cause their caring behaviors in different ways on interaction, organization and personal and organization in schools.




