  • 學位論文


The Construction Report of Interior Design of Sanitation Showroom For the Taiwan TOTO Co.,Ltd.

指導教授 : 胡寶林


二十一世紀的今天,展品的行銷已經從單純的平面展示方式轉化為多樣化的展示內容,包含了「數位展示技術、實品展示方式、虛擬展示行為….」等等,商業空間設計品質在現今與消費福祉、消費心理、企業獲利有密切的關係。在商業空間設計品質占著重要的角色下,設計者能否擁有有效且可靠的設計構思方法即相對的重要。 在本案的操作過程中,不論是面對業主、面對設計或面對工程執行,這些課題上,是一連串的「溝通→協調→決策」的過程與循環。首先就與業主溝通方面,因面對的業主是日本的國際企業集團,日本人在本案展現其鉅細靡遺的民族特性,因此,從提案到進行產品的認識、確定設計方向等,大大小小的溝通與協調會議不計其數,而每次會議與會議間的細節再確認,以及執行狀況追踪,更是不厭其煩地持續進行。 整個溝通協調過程雖然繁瑣,但也因此達成了有效的溝通,同時清楚傳達了設計的想法,對於我們在設計進行及工程執行上,增加不少幫助與方便,而我們在整個過程中也累積許多經驗,更不得不佩服日本企業精神在執行態度上的認真與執著。這一點,我們是受益良多的。由於前述過程所建立的默契與清楚,使得工程執行過程顯得順利而有效率,也使我們在工程管理上,嘗試建立的系統與管理,在本案得以確實發揮,以下列舉數項心得分享。 首先是工班分類管理。本工程內容複雜,工種繁雜,工程進行中,如何有效管理及掌控進度成為一大重點。因此,依工種不同,以製服顏色區分其工作內容,如木作工班穿著藍色制服;水電為白色制服;油漆制服為黃色;鐵工則是紅色等,進度到哪裡,該有什麼顏色制服出現,或者該退場的工種為何出現在現場,都可一一掌控,使工地管理更加有效及清楚,並在門禁管制及人員進出管理上,更加嚴謹,也提高工地之安全性。 此外,對於工程進度的協調掌握,則仰賴每天一早的工程協調會議,針對各工種的問題直接溝通解決,包括進行中產生的問題以及接下來要進行的工程進行解說及問題解決,使得進度的掌控與協調容易許多,各工種在工程進行中的合作,也更確實而精準,相對的,使得整體工程能在預定時間內順利完成,交予業主,也因此得到業主的肯定與讚賞,是一次愉快而成功的合作經驗。


Nowadays, the 21st century, the marketing of product is evolved from two-dimensional method to much diverse methods such as “digital exhibition Technology, practical item display, virtual exhibition…etc. The quality of commercial space-design is closely related to consuming benefit, consuming psychology, and business’s profit. As the quality of commercial space-design plays an important role, whether the designers have effective and reliable design concept is very important. Based on the traditional meaning and image of the word “circle,” we create an interaction between virtual and practice in the space, which established the conversation of matter and space. As the result, the exhibited product has the texture of satisfactory and like the nature itself. “It is independent yet corresponding,” it is projecting while also hidden in the space,” “it divides yet still like pierce through.” With ingeniously replace the square and circle and virtual and practice, we tortuous the moving direction to draw forth the different prospect and visual focus. Due to the adding of curvy lines, the space has the maximum richness and ability to display. The design concept is simply two forms – “square” and “circle.” This design case, we center on operating with “square” and “circle” and apply on the design of plane, three-dimensional, or lighting design. During the operation of this case, regardless of facing the proprietor, design, or construction execution, they are all a series of circulation of “Communication coordination decision making.” Even thought the entire communication and coordination process is minute and complicated, we still established effective communication clearly delivered our design ideas. For the design and construction, it brings us a lot of convenience and help. In addition, we have gain many experiences during the entire process, we admire Japanese enterprise’s conscientious and inflexible attitude towards execution. We benefited greatly from this experience.


Design Pattern Language Showroom Display space


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