  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Business Model and Marketing Mix Strategy on Innovation Adoption Intention by Consumer ─ Cases Observation in Taiwan’s 3G Telecom Carriers

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


在這技術發展日新月異的時代中,手機已經成為人們不可或缺的科技產品,而電信服務的發展迅速,更為我們的生活帶來更多的便利性及新視野。全球3G電信發展逐漸加溫,台灣當然更不惶多讓,手機普及率甚至超過了100%。因此,尋找出獨特的經營模式一直是台灣各家電信業者努力的方向,希望透過這樣的差異化來脫穎而出;而業者們更希望以多樣化的行銷手法來吸引消費者採用自身的電信服務,以求站穩在台灣電信市場的地位,永續發展。 本研究歸納國內外學者的研究內容,並參考實務現象,探討台灣電信產業之經營模式(business model)將會如何影響電信業者們在行銷組合策略(marketing mix)上的選擇,並進一步探討各家電信業者的行銷組合策略會如何影響消費者對於3G服務的創新採用意願(innovation adoption)。最後,本研究企圖找出經營模式與行銷組合策略之間的關係、不同的行銷組合策略對於消費者創新採用意願的影響以及最適合於台灣電信產業的經營模式。 經過相關文獻的探討之後,進一步形成本研究之架構,本研究採取個案研究法來針對國內五家3G電信營運商(中華電信、台灣大哥大、遠傳電信、亞太行動寬頻以及威寶電信)進行研究,並透過深度訪談問卷以及實務現象的觀察來針對各個研究項目進行歸納與分類,最後歸納出下列六項重點結論: 一、 多元整合經營模式成為趨勢。本研究之五家個案訪談廠商中,有三家的經營方向以整合多樣化電信服務為主,其中中華電信更為台灣電信產業之龍頭,因此透過多元整合的經營模式將可提升自身的競爭力,在台灣電信市場中脫穎而出。 二、 傳統通路策略對於消費者採用意願之高低並無明顯影響。根據本研究命題中發現,電信業者均除了採用以自有品牌開展通路外,也會與通路品牌進行策略聯盟,因此這樣的實體通路模式已無法產生差異化,造成消費者無法以各家電信業者之通路策略作為比較的依據來進行選擇。 三、 豐富的3G服務與多樣化的優惠方案可提升消費者的採用態度。在本研究命題中發現,消費者會對使用「產品豐富化策略」與「兼容並蓄型」定價策略之電信營運商產生較高的創新採用態度,也就是說,電信業者採用將3G服務豐富化後,搭配以優惠費率方案與低價手機方案可以讓消費者對於3G服務的採用產生較積極的態度。 四、 系統化的電信服務及提高3G手機補貼價格可增強消費者的購買行為。相對地,研究命題中發現,消費者會對於使用產品擴大化策略與產品組合定價型定價策略之電信營運商產生較強的創新採用行為,換句話說,電信業者採用3G服務與其他服務配套結合並搭配高3G手機補貼價格策略可以讓消費者 對於3G服務產生較高的購買行為。 五、 造成態度與行為之間的反向差異原因。本研究發現消費者在對於3G服務的採用態度與採用行為會產生反向的差異,其中可能的原因為電信營運商的開台時間不一、電信服務非一般的消耗性產品、消費者之認知不一致、延遲購買行為以及其他市場變化的條件。 六、 電信營運商的未來作法。未來電信業者將3G服務的推廣分為三個階段,第一,提升自身在電信服務上的範疇,以求加強市場競爭力。第二,透過豐富化的3G服務與多樣的費率方案選擇來提升消費者對於3G服務的態度。最後,則利用系統化的配套服務與高價手機補貼來增強消費者的購買行為。值得注意的是,未來電信業者可從虛擬的通路著手,發揮Web 2.0的精髓,為電信產業的行銷模式掀起新潮流。


In such knowledge explosion era, cell phone has become one of essential technological products. And, telecom service provides much more convenience and new visions for our life with its rapid development. Due to the rapid evolution of global 3G telecom, the telecom carriers in Taiwan show off without fear to develop a unique business model to be their strategic direction in order to enhance their market competences for over 100% diffusion rate. Besides, they have also implemented various marketing strategies to attract more consumers to adopt their 3G services in order to hold the standing of Taiwan telecom market and achieve the goal of sustainable development. Based on the literature reviewed and the practical phenomenon, the purpose of this study are to confer how business model influence the selection on marketing mix and how the marketing mix of each telecom carriers affect the consumer’s innovation adoption. At the end, this study attempt to find out the relations between business model and marketing mix, the influence of marketing mix on consumer’s innovation intentions and an appropriate business model for Taiwan telecom industry. The study structure has established after the relevant literature reviews. This study is based on case study and the proposed model is tested through chose five telecom carriers in Taiwan including CHT, Taiwan Mobile, FET, APBW and VIBO. This research uses the method of deep interview and practical observation to evaluate all the research constructs. The conclusions of this study are summarized as following: 1. A diversification-integrated business model has become a trend. In the five cases of this study, three of them are taking diversified integration as their operation direction. Therefore, telecom carriers can improve their competences by increasing the scopes of telecom service applications. Afterward, they could stand out from the fierce competition of Taiwan telecom industry. 2. The approach strategy has no obvious influence to the consumer innovation adoption. According to the propositions in this study, Taiwan telecom carriers will construct their approach not only through their own brand, but also through the alliance of approach brand. As a result, this substantial approach strategy has not longer provided diversifications to consumers and consumers also cannot take it as a comparison standard while they want to make a choice. 3. 3G service enrichment and various pricing plans can reinforce consumer’s innovation adoptive attitude toward 3G services. According to the propositions of this study, consumers will have a strong innovation adoptive attitude toward the carriers with “Products Enrichments” product strategy and “Coexistence” price strategy. In other words, carriers who provide rich 3G services and various pricing plans can reinforce consumer’s innovation adoptive attitude toward 3G services. 4. 3G service enlargement and rise subsidy of cell phone can enhance consumer’s innovation adoptive behavior toward 3G services. According to the propositions of this study, consumers will have a high innovation adoptive behavior toward the carriers with “Products Enlargements” product strategy and “Products Association” price strategy. In other words, carriers who provide a systematic 3G services and high subsidy of cell phone pricing plans can reinforce consumer’s innovation adoptive behavior toward 3G services. 5. The reasons of the reverse differentiation between adoptive attitude and adoptive behavior. The possible reasons of the reverse differentiation between adoptive attitude and adoptive behavior are: (1) The online-time of each carrier is different. (2) Telecom service is not a common expendable. (3) The inconsistence of consumer cognition. (4) Purchase-Postponement behavior. (5) Other market conditions. 6. The future courses of Taiwan telecom carriers. Telecom carriers can separate 3G service promotion into three steps in the future. First of all, carriers can increase the scopes of 3G service applications in order to improve their competences. Second, carriers can reinforce consumer’s innovation adoptive attitude toward 3G services through the 3G service enrichment and various pricing plan. Finally, carriers can enhance consumer’s innovation adoptive behavior toward 3G services through the 3G service enlargement and high subsidy of cell phone. In addition, carriers can formulate their approach strategy by the concepts of Web 2.0 and open a new vision for the marketing style of telecom industry.


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