  • 學位論文


Methodological Approaches to Interior Color Harmony

指導教授 : 張謙允


室內設計的環境中,色彩調和一直是設計的重點,任何環境透過色彩的配色,氣氛就截然不同,這些都歸咎在色彩配色上差異程度。雖然色彩調和多半依賴設計專業的主觀美感偏好,但是消費者對於色彩調和也常有可分享的喜好,有需要加以掌握,俾提升專業服務。本研究以實驗進行調查,其過程有四:分別為調查色彩調和偏好前測、不同空間樣本調查、正式色彩調和偏好調查、比較與形成色彩調和偏好配色原則。藉以63張室內環境彩色圖片,利用網路調查以140位受測者室內色彩調和偏好意向,其統計結果進行因素分析出14個因子。 研究結果分析因素得知,因素3的近似調和為暖色調的相近色,該因素對室內色彩調和偏好共適性最顯著,色相環角度小於72°以內之近似調和配色;其次是因素1的對比色及互補色調和,色相環角度為120°與180°的色彩配色,驗證研究假定之色彩偏好與色相環角度相關性,在室內環境圖片配色也適用。 室內色彩調和配色時,色彩調和在室內環境是必須讓人感覺是舒適、平靜、協調、統一、色彩飽和、明度高的。色相較單純,色調越統一,色彩配色在3種色相以下,接受度較高。本研究歸納出室內色彩調和配色原則,具體呈現室內配色方法。期望一般民眾能夠藉以掌握配色過程,讓色彩調和與配色可以體現在非設計背景的專業者的身上。透過這個過程,讓室內色彩配色是一種享受調和樂趣的溝通方式。


色彩調和 色彩偏好 色相環


Color harmony has always been one of the most important elements in Interior design. There are lots of colors we could capture in our daily life; and these colors can be in different forms of presentation depending on different mood-swing or atmosphere. Color harmony can be subjective as it relies on each designer’s aesthetic preferences. However, consumer’s color preference should be included into the design in order to get a closer match between consumer’s preference and the designer’s professional views. The survey has been designed with four stages: 1. Preliminary investigation on the preference of color harmony. 2. Survey on different spatial sample. 3. The official color harmony preference survey. 4. Compared with the formation of the principles of color harmony and color preference. Through statistical analysis on the 140 contestant who partok the color examination on the 63 indoor color pictures which are used to detect contestant’s color preference within different ambience settings, the test result yielded 14 factors. Upon studies done on these factors, the result indicates that the similarity of color harmony of factor 3 is very close to those of warm colors. Which the hue wheel must be less than 72°. Furthermore, the result also shows that the combination of contrasting colors attracts most of the attentions. The result has proven the hypothesis of the color preference and color hue angle of wheel’s correlations are important. Follow-up from the study, it will continue to explore and discuss the relationship between hue angles of wheels and color harmony by increasing the indoor color pictures selections in order to facilitate the most suitable methodology in search for color harmony. The main purpose in the search for the color harmony of interior environment, through choice of color combination, to make people feel the comfort, calm, coordination, that unified feeling, and color saturation. Through the research, we found out that the simpler the colors with more unison approach within 3 related coloring earns higher acceptance. In conclusion, this study has induced a general principle of interior color design, providing a general methodology of matching of colors. We hope through this study, the result can help the general public to realize a harmonized color matching skill, even onto designers who did not come from this professional design background. Through this process, design and matching of colors can be a more fun and enjoyable transformative experience.


Hue Wheel Color Preference Color Harmony




