  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on Asisting in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language by Application

指導教授 : 廖宜瑤


隨著網路科技的發達,多媒體教學也應用於教育的發展,數位化的學習不斷地進步,而演進為行動學習。在以往的研究中不難發現華語教學裡,少有運用行動學習來進行華語教學的相關研究,故值得深入發展探究。因此本研究將以研究者所製作的華語 APP 進行華語教學輔助的探索性研究。 本研究將探討了解設計華語教學輔助的 APP 要注意什麼,以及 APP 應用於教學之注意要項,也為了學習者對於 APP 之觀感以及 APP 的優、缺點,本研究以訪談、研究者的觀察以及反思來檢視研究問題。本研究的參與者包含協同研究者以及研究對象,研究對象一共六位,平均年齡為25 歲,來自四個不同的國家,皆為華語初學者。本研究遵照快速原型教學模式設計APP,在分析學習者且知曉學習者的需求情況之下製作原型,且在協同研究者的建議下修改原型,再融合行動學習的實施步驟運用於教學上,實施步驟包含教材內容數位化、規劃學習環境、規劃教學設計模式。教材內容數位化已於快速原型教學模式中完成,而規劃學習環境以雲端空間 Dropbox 以及社交軟體 Facebook 作為檔案傳輸的媒介,規劃教學設計模式則採用 ASSURE 模式將華語 APP 運用於教學上。 研究結果顯示,以 ASSURE 模式將 APP 應用於教學上是適當的,從兩次實施的評量與修正中可發現,學習者對於教材內容的需求以及測驗的需求。在觀感上,學習者對於 APP 的觀感正向,尤其是單字以及聽力測驗。APP 優、缺點方面,除了無法提供學習者即時查詢資料以外,口說測驗在機動性上也無法符合。


Along with well-developed network technology, multimedia teaching also applies to the development of education. E-learning continues to progress, and it becomes M-learning. In early studies find that there is littile study about M-learning in teaching Chinese as a second language, so it is worth exploring deeply. The issue is an exploratiory study about asisting in teaching Chinese as a second language by application. The study disscued target the point of the process on designing APP and to understand what should be noticed in teaching by using APP. Also, in order to understand the perception of the learners about APP and to know about the advantages and the disadvantages of APP, the study discuss the issue by interviews, researcher’s observevation and reflection. Participants in this study included co-researcher and learners. Learners with an average age of 25 years are total six, from four different countries, and they are all beginners. This study design APP according to rapid prototyping instructional design model. The study analyze the learners and aware of their demand before prototyping, and modified prototype as co-teachers’ and experts’ suggestion. After that, using APP in conduting M-learning by steps.The steps include teaching content digitization, planning learning environment, planning instructional design model. The teaching content digitization in rapid prototyping design model was completed, and about the learning environment, this study use the cloud space Dropbox and social software Facebook as file transfering of media. About instructional design model, this study used ASSURE model to teach by APP. The results showed that using ASSURE mode to teach by APP is appropriate, from assessment and correction can be found the learner’s demand for teaching materials and tests. The learners hold positive attitude toward the APP, especially Vocabulary and Listening tests. About the advantages and disadvantages of APP, in addition to APP can not provide learners good ways to search information immediately, speaking tests can not achieve the advantage of mobility.


