  • 學位論文


A Creation of Computing Design for Interactive Fractal Dynamic Shape

指導教授 : 吳鼎武


碎形理論是近三十年來的新興科學,因為電腦的出現才能讓我們早些時候體驗碎形之美。它帶給我們的是另一種視覺上的驚喜,有別於歐幾里德幾何學的對稱、規矩呆板的感覺。碎形發展在複數平面空間裡,它具有自我相似性,可以無限延展自己,分數維度的特質讓碎形造形有難以捉摸之感,當碎形碰到運算設計激發出這個時代特有的美學觀。Adam Finkelstein(1998) 認為:「運算設計是有基礎規則的藝術,經常用電腦輔助設計。運算視覺藝術的思維及創作經常介於數學和電腦繪圖之間,運算藝術家所呈現的作品焦點著重於連續步驟過程的建立,而使用程式為工具,將概念以邏輯及結構的方式,把虛擬的思維透過電腦螢幕傳達出來」。 在電腦還未進入個人化及速度還未進化到能夠承載多媒體(結合靜態影像、聲音、文字資料及電腦動畫等)的時候,要達到「互動」效果是一種很奢侈的想法。需要有軟體及硬體的配合,才能夠達到互動效果,兩者缺一不可。它是藝術家和觀賞者溝通最直接的介面。互動藝術的出現,一時之間無法引起很多正面的回應,因為它完全和大家所習慣觀賞藝術的方式不同,展場由原本安安靜靜到熱鬧喧騰,由個人化欣賞到多人集體參與,這樣的改變的確顛覆了傳統的藝術表現方式。 本創作希望能夠將動態碎形造形以互動方式呈現,讓觀賞者在最自然的情況下「發現碎形」。「發現碎形」有兩層含意,一個是表象的碎形(展場上所看到的),另一個是內在的碎形(啟發自我的身心靈)。在做法上嘗試以跨領域整合的方式創作:結合碎形、運算設計、電子電路、程式及互動介面。在想法上以「人」在日常中的行為當作互動條件,例如:走路、心跳、手舞及足蹈等,彰顯出科技和人自然的互動關係。


運算設計 碎形 動態造形 互動式


Fractal theory is a new developing science at the recent 30 years. Because appearance of computer let us experience the beauty of fractal in early time. It brings us another kind of vision pleasantly surprised, different from symmetry, rule, and stiff feeling of Euclid geometry. The fractal is developed on complex variable space. It is self-similar, can extend by oneself limitlessly, and has the property of Fractal dimension lets the shape of fractal have the sense difficult to fathom. As fractal meets computing designs that excites out the peculiar aesthetic view of this era. Adam Finkelstein(1998) thinks: “Computer design is an art with foundation rules and is often used in the computer auxiliary. Algorithmic art is rule-based art, usually made with the aid of a computer. Algorithmic visual art sits somewhere between mathematical art and computer graphics. Algorithmic artists focus on process, the sequence of steps used to create the work. Programs are used as tool. The concept is come out by way of logic and structure. Thus thinking can be transmitted thinking through computer screen. ” When computer didn’t yet enter personalize and evolve to be able to process the multimedia (Combine static image, sound, text and computer animation, etc.), people want to achieve the “interactive” is a very luxurious idea. In order to reach the interactive result, there should be cooperation of software and hardware, none of the two can be dispensed with. Appearance of interactive art, it is unable to cause a lot of positive responses for the moment, because it is totally different from visual art way that everybody is used to. The exhibition field is from the originally quiet to noisy and from individual appreciation to many people to participate. Such a change has really subverted the traditional artistic expression way. This creation hopes to present the dynamic fractal shape by the way of interactive, let viewers find out fractal in most natural cases. Find out fractal contains two meaning, one is the representation fractal (Can be seen in exhibition field), and another is the inherent fractal (Inspire the body, mind and spirit). In physical it is implemented by to combine on the method: Combine fractal, computing design, electronic circuit, program and interactive interface. In concept it is by means of the daily behavior, for example: Walk, heartbeat, hand dance and foot step, of “human” as interactive condition to clear show the relation between scientific technology and people's natural interactive.


Computing Design Dynamic sh Fractal Interactive type


吳鼎武•瓦歷斯(2001),電腦與數位藝術,科學月刊,32卷 3期,頁217-223。
鍾可欣 (2006),碎形之仿生造形應用於飾品設計創作,中原大學商業設計研究所碩士論文。
江韋儀 (2004),碎形幾何自我相似特徵應用於視覺識別設計之研究,中原大學商業設計研究所碩士論文。
吳逸賢、吳目誠 (2004),精彩Flash MX 2004中文版程式設計Action Script,網奕資訊 科技股份有限公司,台北。


