  • 學位論文


A Study of “Zai” in Modern Chinese and its Pedagogy

指導教授 : 鄧守信 彭妮絲


現代漢語有不少多義詞(polysemy),具有不同的語義及語法功能,即是一詞多義,在現代漢語中,「在」是多義詞,也是兼類詞,可以兼動詞、介詞、時態動詞。歷來學者對「在」的分析不一,大多只在表層面及句法位置探討。然而「在」的各方面屬性內容究竟是什麼?筆者觀察到學者探討「在」只限於單一詞類,例如:介詞「在」,鮮少有「在」各方面的屬性探討;或是以中介語語料庫考察第二語言學習者於「在」的偏誤與母語者使用「在」的情形相互比較,以此建立「在」的教學語法及排序,再多一點就是檢驗教材的適用性。 筆者認為應以第二語言學習者的角度出發,且研究的最後目的應落實在教學應用上,因此本論文以現代漢語「在」為研究對象,結合理論及應用,就「在」的詞類、語法結構、語義釐清之後,統整出本論文的「在」。再依據鄧守信教授的華語中介語語料庫、華語中介語索引典系統,針對以英語和日語為母語的學習者,作為分析語料偏誤的來源,歸納其偏誤類型及原因,最後提供「在」的教學應用,希望透過本論文的結果改善以英語為母語的學習者學習「在」的問題,使其學習過程能得到有效的幫助。 本論文分為六章。第一章為緒論,說明本研究的動機、研究的範圍與目的、研究問題、研究方法、研究架構;第二章文獻探討,將探討學者們對「在」的定義及內容;第三章確立本論文的現代漢語「在」的詞類及語義內容;第四章根據鄧守信教授的華語中介語語料庫、華語中介語索引典系統,分析並歸納英語和日語為母語的學習者使用「在」的偏誤類型,深入討論造成偏誤的原因;第五章現代漢語「在」的教學應用;第六章總結本論文的研究內容,並指出研究限制與未盡之處。


Modern Chinese contains a large number of polysemous words that bear multiple meanings or serve multiple grammatical functions. The word Zài is not only a polysemy but also a case of zero conversion; it can serve as a verb, a preposition, or an aspectual verb. Academic analysis on Zài has mostly been superficial or focused only on its position in a sentence; its various properties remain rarely discussed. The present author noted that scholarly discussions on Zài tend to address only its role as a single part of speech, such as preposition; rarely do such discussions examine the comprehensive properties of the word. Moreover, scholarly discussions on Zài also rarely employ an interlanguage corpus to compare the bias of speakers who learned Chinese as a second language and how native speakers use the word, thereby establishing the pedagogical grammar and order of Zài or examining the adequacy of teaching materials. The present author proposes to investigate pedagogical practices from the perspective of second-language learners. Accordingly, this study investigated the role of Zài in Modern Chinese. It first clarified its part of speech, grammatical structure, and semantics, then applied an interlanguage corpus to categorize the types of bias and their causes among learners whose native language was English or Japanese. Lastly, it proposed a set of pedagogy for Zài in the hope that the results of this study would benefit learners, particularly those whose native language is English, in leaning the use of Zài. This paper consists of six sections. The first is the Introduction section, which introduces the motivation, scope, objective, research question, research method, and research framework of this study. The second section is the Literature Review, which examines the definitions of Zài given by various scholars and the context of their discussions. The third section establishes the part of speech and semantic context of Zài in Modern Chinese. The fourth analyzes the biases of learners whose native language was English or Japanese and categorizes the biases into various types using an interlanguage corpus, so as to determine the causes for such biases. The fifth section presents the pedagogy for Zài in Modern Chinese. The sixth section summarizes this study, as well as identifies the limitations this study faced and the areas that require further investigation.


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