  • 學位論文


The Impact of Student's Learning Performance for Multiple-Choice Questions with Hot Item Strategies

指導教授 : 鍾斌賢


從小到大的學習環境中,學生經常都是為了考試而考試,在要考試的前幾天臨時抱佛腳,這或許可以在當下的考試中獲得不錯成績,但這些所死記硬背的知識都是零碎的,無法融會貫通,而且死記硬背的內容很容易就會遺忘,達不到學習效果。 羊群效應是一種從眾心態,會跟隨著群眾做出相同的反應,不管對與錯,有人去做,大家也盲從地跟隨,所謂「西瓜偎大邊」。有研究利用羊群效應因素,讓學生在進行選擇題作答時,於某個選項出現不一定是正確答案的熱門選項標記;藉以讓學生發現該熱門選項不一定是正確答案的事實,進而跳脫羊群效應之影響,於作答時多加思考,以釐清未精熟的知識。該研究結果顯示學生之學習成就及長期記憶之學習保持力顯著優於一般選擇題作答之學生。本研究綜合一般選擇題作答及熱門選項作答方式,提出一個新的作答策略,先讓學生以一般選擇題作答方式作答,並有50%的機率於第一次作答後,有第二次作答機會,當學生於第二次作答時顯示熱門選項標記。本研究將學生隨機分為使用本作答策略之羊群Plus組,及使用該研究作答策略之羊群組,藉以了解羊群Plus組之作答策略是否與羊群組之作答策略有一樣的效果,或是優於羊群組。 實驗結果證明,羊群Plus組不論在學習成就、學習保持力、學習動機、學習興趣、學習態度、認知負荷、沉浸狀態均與羊群組沒有顯著差異,代表羊群Plus組的作答策略與羊群組的作答策略有相同的效果。本研究進一步發現,羊群Plus組學生在每題平均作答時間顯著高於羊群組學生、羊群Plus組學生在實驗期間練習題目數量顯著低於羊群組學生、羊群組學生顯著喜好羊群Plus組的作答策略。 綜合實驗數據,羊群Plus組作答策略趨向優於羊群組作答策略,理由是該策略可以迫使學生先思考再決定答案;但實施羊群Plus組作答模式時,必須避免時間過短,造成練習題目作答數量不足,以致無法建構完整的認知結構。


No matter which age of learning environment is, most students learn because of examination. They study only few days ago before test. This study way might work temporarily but most of their learning contents are piece by piece instead of integration. Furthermore, it’s easy to forget, and the learning effect is bad. Herd behavior is a bandwagon effect, which means that there is a higher tendency to blindly follow the actions of others no matter right or wrong. In other words, it’s a coattail effect. Some research used Herd behavior as a tool. When students face general multiple choice questions, a mark has added to hottest choice to remind students the choice is not necessarily correct. And then students might be able to find it and get rid of the herd behavior. Also students can think more when having examination in order to get understand their learning contents. Research shows that the retaining of learning achievement and long-term memory are better than ordinary students. Our research integrates general multiple choice questions and hot choices of answering skill, and then purposes a new strategy of answering. First, we let students answer in ordinary way. But they have 50% chance to re-answer. Also they will find the mark of hot choices. Our research divide students randomly into 2 groups: “Herd plus” Group as our new answering strategy; “Herd” Group as the answering strategy of previous research. And we will try to find out if 2 groups have the same result or one of them is better. The research result shows that herd plus group has no significant different in learning retention, learning motivation, learning interest, learning attitude, cognitive load, and flow status. It means that herd plus group has the same effect to answering strategy as herd group. Also our research has further discovery: 1) the answer time of herd plus group students is significantly higher than herd group. 2) The practice topics of herd plus group students are lower than herd group. 3) The herd group students are significantly love the answering strategy of herd plus group. Sum up of the test data, the answering strategy of herd plus group is better than herd group. The reason is that students are forced to think before answering as an answering strategy of herd plus group. But we also have to aware that when we use the model of herd plus group, we have to avoid that the short of answering time because it leads to the lacking of practice topics. And then students cannot fully achieve the learning structure.


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