  • 學位論文

重新出發的契機 —青壯年退役軍官再就業成功因素探討—

A Turning Point of Re-start— A Study of Key Factors for middle-aged Retired Military Officers in Successful Career Transition

指導教授 : 丁姵元


志願役軍官因為所學與一般職場之需求有落差,加上就業時間較同年齡的人晚,以及社會負面觀感等因素,從軍中退伍下來之後,多數在求職路上走得並不順利。本研究訪談了十一位自軍中退役已屆滿一年以上,且目前已經在新職場找到合適工作的青壯年志願役退伍軍官,想從中瞭解他們順利走過人生這一重大轉折的關鍵成功因素。 經過整理訪談資料之後發現,受訪者會想自相對穩定的軍旅生涯中尋求轉換,原因包括了軍中制度、家庭因素以及個人生涯的考量,而且普遍都是在家庭經濟不致產生危機的前提下,才會作出退伍的決定。退伍之後找工作的方向不管是考量興趣或個性、挑戰自我,或是為理想而付出,心態的調整與適應是必經過程,而家人的期望與態度則是最重要的依歸。過程中受訪者充分感受到自己在求職條件中的劣勢,但也幾乎一致認為,如果能在軍旅生涯就培養出認真負責的工作態度,只要退伍之後有機會獲得表現自己的舞台,想在職涯第二春找到自己的定位雖然是一個備極艱辛的過程,還是有很大的機會獲致成功。 從思考要退伍,一直到在新職場中找到可以安身立命的工作,這整個職涯轉換的過程中,受訪的退伍軍官不斷強調要很清楚自己的定位與目標,不但要明確的自我認定、及早釐清自己要的是什麼,確立目標之後還必須貫徹始終的堅持下去。畢竟以較高的年齡才進入職場,已經沒有多少時間或空間可以讓這些受訪者多方嘗試。 而綜觀研究全程,除了家庭因素是受訪者時常縈繞心懷的考慮重點之外,不管他們是以成就感、目標設定,或是自我期許作為鞭策自己奮發努力的激勵元素,基本上都可以把他們歸類為具備高成就動機的一群。研究結論中把成功完成職涯轉換的因素歸納出(1)家庭、(2)自我認定、(3)調整和(4)工作態度等四項,除了家庭因素和自我認定之外,不管是心態或身段的調整,或是積極認真的工作態度,基本上都是源於受訪者具備高成就動機,非常渴望在退伍後走出自己另一條路,在人生的後半段,有機會證明自己的價值。「重視家庭」、「明確的自我認定」與「高成就動機」為青壯年志願役退伍軍官成功轉型的重要關鍵因素,也成為了本研究最重要的發現。 關鍵字:退役軍官、職涯轉換、成就動機


Retired volunteer military officers face lots of difficulties while locating a job in a new career field, reasons are they are more aged than common job-finders, their military specialties cannot meet the civilian demand, and social bias to them. This study interviewed 11 military officers who retired more than 1 year and have a stable job in the new career, the purpose of this study is to find the key factors about how they can find a suitable new job during the career transition. After sorting the data based on interviews, we find the reasons those military officers’ intentions to retire are: inappropriate military system, family factors, and individual career consideration. Moreover, they made the decision to retire based on a prerequisite that their families have a stable economic situation. Whatever they find a job because of interests, challenge or dream, the most important factor they care is the expectation of family members. And the adjustment of mindset is most crucial. Retired officers deeply recognize the difficulties they would face during the transition, but all of them argued if they can adapt to an enthusiastic attitude to work, once having the opportunity to show what they can perform, they have lots of possibilities to find a good job. From the thinking of retire to get a suitable job in the new career, retired officers emphasis strongly goal setting. Clear self-awareness, clarified about what they want and perseverance contribute to the second career success. After all, middle-aged retired officers have no more room to simply give a try in the new environment. What we find in this study is that all eleven retired officers who have high achievement-motivation because they intend to motivate themselves by achievement, goal-setting and self-expectation. In the conclusion part, we present four crucial factors about successful career transitions: family, self-awareness, adjustment, and enthusiastic attitude. And latter two factors based on high achievement-motivation, which is the reason why the retired officers desire to find a way to prove themselves in the second half of their life. So, we can see the key factors of successful career transition are ‘family-relationship, self-awareness and high-achievement-motivation’, and that's the most important findings in this study. KEY WORDS: retired officer, career transition, achievement-motivation


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