  • 學位論文

低溫噴射式大氣電漿對纖維母細胞 影響之研究

Interaction of Non-Thermal Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma-Jet on Fibroblasts

指導教授 : 王明誠


低溫噴射式大氣電漿被廣泛的應用在醫療上,包含滅菌、傷口癒合以及使惡性腫瘤凋亡等。電漿被證明可以在組織上進行滅菌,但不會使組織發炎,在慢性傷口的治療上,電漿已經成為一種很有吸引力的工具。不同的電漿參數對細胞造成的影響也不同,如造成細胞增生、凋亡或是細胞膜的損傷,低劑量的電漿對血管內皮細胞是相對無毒性,而高劑量的電漿會造成內皮細胞死亡。適當的電漿參數可能會促使纖維母細胞增生,纖維母細胞的增生在傷口癒合的皮膚生物學上產生關鍵作用。本研究評估低溫噴射式大氣電漿對纖維母細胞的細胞活性、膠原蛋白分泌量、移動能力、細胞型態及巨噬細胞發炎反應,我們的目標是優化電漿處理的實驗參數,例如處理時間及外加的功率等,進而促使纖維母細胞增生,治療傷口癒合。本研究以自行設計之高壓阻尼波電源供應系統與介電質阻擋放電型式的低溫噴射式大氣電漿反應器結合,進行與細胞交互作用之研究,該設備在12.2 kV 的工作電壓與167.7 kHz的工作頻率下激發電漿,此激發狀態的電流為0.32 A,消耗功率為17.74 W,激發過程中最高溫度為25.43 oC。利用光學放射光譜儀檢測氦氣電漿可於777.32、845.74 和927.28 nm 可以觀察到活性氧物種的光譜。低劑量的電漿(90秒以下)對纖維母細胞是相對低的毒性,而高劑量的電漿(120至180秒)會造成細胞活性、膠原蛋白分泌量及移動能力下降。電漿處理10秒會促使纖維母細胞比控制組多增殖16 %的細胞活性。最後,我們成功利用適當的電漿參數電漿促使纖維母細胞增加細胞活性及移動能力。


Non-thermal atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma-jet is being widely developed for medical applications, including wound healing, malignant cell apoptosis and bacterial sterilization. The plasma process is demonstrated to cause bacterial inactivation and non-inflammatory tissue modification. It has become an attractive tool for improvement in chronic wound management. The parameters of plasma treatment influence the effect of cell, including proliferation, apoptosis and cell membrane damage. Low energy plasma is relatively non-toxic to fibroblasts while treatment at longer exposures led to cell death. Appropriate parameters of treatment will enhance cell proliferation. Proliferation of fibroblasts is a key role about wound healing in skin biology. In this study, we investigate the cell viability, collagen secretion, migration ability, cell morphology and NO release of non-thermal atmospheric-pressure helium DBD plasma-jet treatment on fibroblasts and macrophage. Our goal is to optimize plasma treatment by varying experimental parameters, such as treatment time and applied power, to enhance proliferation, collagen secretion and migration ability of fibroblasts for chronic wound healing. This study is using the damping-like factor generator to coupling high voltage coil, and combines the cold atmospheric pressure plasma-jet device for sterilization. The applied voltage and the discharge current of a damping waveform is respective 12.2 kV and 0.32 A, the frequency is 167.7 kHz, the total power of plasma-jet is 17.74 W, the maximum plasma applied temperature is respective 25.43 oC. Diagnose the active species in the helium plasma by optical emission spectroscopy (OES). The spectrum of reactive oxygen species can be observed at 777.32, 845.74 and 927.28 nm (O, OH). Low dose plasma (up to 90 s) was relatively non-toxic to fibroblast cells while treatment at longer exposures (120 s to 240 s) led to cell viability, collagen secretion and migration ability decrease. Fibroblast cells treated with plasma for 10 s demonstrated 16 % as much proliferation as untreated cells five days after plasma treatment. Finally, we get the optimization of plasma parameters for cell proliferation and migration ability on fibroblasts.


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