  • 學位論文


From Vegetable Diet to Meatless Diet – The Formation and Transformation of Contemporary Vegetarian Culture in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳玉箴




素食 蔬食 彈性素食 仿葷素食


When the reason for vegetable diet shifts gradually from the past religious restrictions to the mutual inclusion of health, environment, life, and global warming, meatless diet has become synonymous with the modern vegetarian of today. This paper explores how the vegetarian culture of Taiwan evolves progressively from the traditional meat-like vegetarian diet with processed vegetable ingredients to the current fresh meatless diet; it also investigates the influence of neo-vegetarianism movement in the West on Taiwan’s contemporary vegetarian style. This study contains in-depth interviews, involved observations, and documentary analyses. As to how vegetable diet can achieve such high degree of popularity in contemporary Taiwan, beside the deep influence by China’s three traditional religions - Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, the research discovers that the Taiwanese local belief has significant impact to the vegetable diet’s wide acceptance. Furthermore, Taiwan’s main vegetarian populace also changes from strictly religious vegetarian to “flexitarian” who has more flexibility in terms of occasions and food choices. Being vegetarian is a matter of diversified causes instead of just one. From vegetable diet to meatless diet, the formation and transformation of contemporary vegetarian culture in Taiwan is the combination of East and West vegetarianism, integration of religious merciful spirit, addition to the green proposal of environmental protection, and together they formulate into a natural, healthy, and scientific dietary principle as well as represent Taiwan's diversified faces of vegetarian.


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