  • 學位論文


Modeling Long-term Human Resources Requirement For Recreational Farm

指導教授 : 蕭登元


臺灣區域性鄉村遊憩市場的消費需求逐年擴增,近年來國外遊客選擇臺灣進行鄉村遊憩體驗的需求也逐年增加,臺灣鄉村遊憩體驗地點的選擇以休閒農場最具代表性,根據行政院農委會截至2012年10月底統計,目前全臺領有合法登記證的休閒農場約有267家。但,休閒農場發展至今普遍存在假日遊客擁擠及平日遊客稀少的現象,形成人力資源聘用與管理不易,且無淡旺季服務人力調派預測決策支援系統。因此,本研究以系統動力學建構休閒農場經營人力系統模式,以4家農場作為深度訪談對象,結合電腦軟體Vensim 5.2 for Windows(Ventana systems Inc, 2012)為研究工具,並以綜合型及體驗型農場各1家作為模型的驗證對象。研究結果發現:(一)綜合型農場未來中長期每月適宜平日人力為30-150人,淡季為20-30人,旺季為150-250人(二)體驗型農場未來中長期每月適宜平日人力為10-20人,淡季為5-10人,旺季為20-40人。另,針對臺灣未來10-15年休閒農場產業就業人數需求,分別模擬預測如下:(一)模擬在平日營運下,需求將達到12,465人;(二)模擬在旺季營運下,需求將達到28,530人;(三)模擬在淡季營運下,需求將達到6,588人。依據上述研究發現,本文建議為以下幾點:(一)在農場財務面,農場經營易陷入財務管理危機,故建議政府有關單位可放寬農場本身在融資低利貸款之相關農業政策,輔導農場業主財務管理之能力。(二)在農場遊客面,農場內部單位必需依據農場本身可負荷之遊客量,聘用足夠的接待服務人員,以帶動遊客口碑成長的正向環路。(三)在農場員工面,本文發現目前產業面的人力需求正逐漸成長,但其中以行政管理專才最難聘用,建議相關政府單位可針對其他領域中高階經營管理人(含人資、行銷、業務、國貿)開授基礎農場經營管理課程,有效提供休閒農場業者所需之管理人才。本研究僅針對個案休閒農場在不同政策下人力需求之模擬推估,建議未來研究者能針對農場人力在專業職能之建立與實證進行討論,使農場之人力資源管理意涵能更加完整。


The domestic demand of rural recreational market was increasing in the recent years. Inbound tourists also like to choose the Taiwan’s rural area to be their travel destination. Taiwan’s recreational farm is the most representative destination of the rural recreational experience. Taiwan’s recreational agriculture association data showed that the total of Taiwan's legal recreational farms is 267 in Year 2012. But there is a difficult point of the management for recreational farm: How to make a fixed flow in human management. Hence, this study was to explore the relationship between the sustainable development and human resource in the recreation farm by using System Dynamic theory and to model the finance, tourist and human resources subsystems to be the decision making support. Through Vensim 5.2 for Windows(Ventana systems Inc, 2012)as a research tool, two recreational farms in the Taiwan as empirical cases were tested and verified. The result found that: (a) For the comprehensive farm, the monthly optimal weekdays manpower will need for 30-150, off-season for 20-30, the peak season for 150-250 (b) For the experiential farm, the monthly optimal weekdays manpower will need for 10-20, off-season for 5-10, the peak season for 20-40. In addition, recreational farm industry employment needs for the next 10-15 years, were simulated predictions are as follows: (a) demand will reach 12,465 people in weekdays; (b) demand will reach 28,530 people in peak season (c) demand will reach 6,588 people in off-season. This paper concluded the following: (a) The business of farms are easy to fall into the financial management of the crisis, it’s suggest that the government may relax the agricultural policy in the financing of low-interest loans. (b) Based on the scale of loading of farms, managers need to employ enough staff to maintain the quality of service, to make the growth loop of word of mouth for tourists. (c) The employment needs of the industry is gradually growing, but it’s hard to employ staff, especially for administrative professionals. This paper make different simulations of human demand for recreational farms, it’s suggested that researchers can focus on the establishment of professional functions of the human resource management in the future




