  • 學位論文


A study of the Feasibility of using Community Industry in School Innovation Management

指導教授 : 張鈿富


論文摘要 本研究旨在探討中部地區國民小學教育人員對學校運用社區產業資源現況之瞭解和支持程度,同時瞭解教育人員個人背景變項對學校運用社區產業資源可行策略之觀點。將結果與發現逐一討論,作成結論,並提出建議,以供國小校長、教師,教育行政機關及未來研究參考。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以「中部地區國民小學運用社區產業資源可行策略之觀點分析調查問卷」為調查工具,將學校立意抽樣與施測者分層抽樣方式,並以教育部選出100條遊學路線及教育部國民中小學活化校園暨發展特色學校96、97年得獎之苗栗縣、台中縣、台中市、南投縣、彰化縣、雲林縣等六縣市之國民小學校長、教師為研究對象,有效樣本共348份。所得的資料以SPSS 12.0 for Windows統計套裝軟體進行分析,並以描述性統計、t考驗與單因子變異數分析等統計方式進行考驗,獲的以下結論: (一)中部地區的國民小學教育人員其男、女性別對學校運用社區產業資源可行策略之觀點並無顯著差異。 (二)中部地區的國民小學教育人員其未擔任行政職務之科任教師對學校運用社區產業資源可行策略之認同較高。 (三)中部地區的國民小學類型為12班以下之教育人員對學校運用社區產業資源可行策略之認同較高。 (四)中部地區的國民小學教育人員在學校運用社區產業資源可行策略的觀點,各層面的認同偏中上程度,其中「活力與創新」層面認同最高,「生存與發展」層面的認同卻是較低。 (五)中部地區的國民小學在社區產業資源具有及運用比率中「休閒農漁林業資源」、「文化創意產業資源」較高,而「資訊科技產業資源」、「其他資源」則較低。 (六)中部地區的國民小學在運用社區產業資源之效益中,「場所效益」、「人力效益」較高,而「知識效益」、「產品效益」、「財力效益」則較低。 (七)中部地區的國民小學教育人員對學校運用社區產業資源之必要性及支持度偏中上程度;有90.5%以上教育人員認同學校運用社區資源有必要性;有92%教育人員支持學校運用社區資源。


ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to discuss the educational personnel’s current degree of support and understanding of utilization in the community industry resources in the middle -Taiwan elementary schools. It simultaneously explored the viewpoint of the variable, the educational personnel’s personal background for the feasible strategy in the school utilization of the community industry resources. According to the conclusions, it hopes to make suggestions in order to provide elementary-school principals、teachers and educational administration authorities for future research. The study adopts the questionnaire survey and develops with the questionnaire entitled “Viewpoint Analysis of the Feasible Strategy to Utilize the Community Industry Resources in the Middle-Taiwan Elementary Schools” as the investigation tool by the ways of school purposive sampling and examiner stratified sampling. The objects of study include 100 study-tour routes selected by the Ministry of Education ,and the principals and teachers from Miaoli, Taizhong, Taizhong, Nantou, Zhanghua, and Yunlin elementary schools which won the Ministry of Education prize entitled “Active campus and Schools with Developing Characteristics “ in 2007 and 2008. It obtains effective samples 348, and carries the obtained material on an analysis by SPSS 12.0 for the Windows and on a test using the statistical ways such as Descriptive Statistics, t-test and Single Variable ANOVA, then attains the following conclusions: 1. There is no remarkable difference between the male and female in the viewpoints toward the feasible strategy of the schools’ utilization in the community industry resources in the middle-Taiwan elementary schools. 2. The subject teachers without any administrative duty have a higher approval toward the feasible strategy of the schools’ utilization in the community industry resources in the middle-Taiwan elementary schools. 3. The education personnel in a school of classes less than 12 hold a higher approval toward the feasible strategy of the schools’ utilization in the community industry resources in the middle-Taiwan elementary schools. 4. The education personnel of elementary schools in the middle-Taiwan have the following views on utilization of community industry resources; each stratification plane approval is above average. The approval of “the vigor and the innovation” is the highest; “the survival and the development” has the lowest approval. 5. On the analysis of utilization ratio on community’s industrial resources, the middle-Taiwan elementary schools have higher utilization ratio on “leisure, agriculture, fishing and forestry resources” and “culturally creative industry resources”, but lower utilization ratio on “the information tech industry resources” and “other resources”. 6. On the analysis of benefits on community’s industrial resources, the middle- Taiwan Elementary schools gets higher degree on ”place benefit” and “manpower benefit” but lower degree on “the knowledge benefit”, “the product benefit” and “the financial resource benefit”. 7. On the analysis of support and necessity on community’s industrial resources, the middle-Taiwan elementary schools personnel’s support on the school utilization of the community industry resources reaches the degree above average. More than 90.5% of the school personnel approve the necessity utilizing the community resources; 92% of the personnel support utilization of community resources.


王世錦(2001)。特色學校應有嚴格科學內涵。2008年11月28日,擷取自 http://www.edu.cn/20011019/3005730.shtml


