  • 學位論文


A Study on the Program Design and Effectiveness Evaluation of Group Treatment for Juvenile Delinquents

指導教授 : 林家興


少年階段是個體極為重要的人格重建的階段,同時具有可塑性,犯罪少年亦同,然而,除了妨害性自主或因違反《毒品危害防制條例》之少年外,對於保護管束中的犯罪少年,幾乎沒有心理治療的處遇,尤其是團體治療,因此,本研究的研究目的在於試圖設計出適合犯罪少年的團體治療方案,並評估此方案的成效。 本研究採取團體治療/輔導的模式,計8名保護管束少年參與團體治療方案,由研究者擔任團體帶領者,每二週一次,每次二小時的團體,為期12次。運用Kirkpatrick四層次評估團體治療方案成效的四個效果:反應效果(包括出席與參與度等)、學習效果(由保護管束少年填寫衝動性量表)、行為效果(由保護管束少年填寫阿肯巴克實證衡鑑系統之「11至18歲青少年自陳報告表」)、結果效果(包括機關期待與成本評估)。 研究結果從三個部份探討,首先針對團體治療方案的實施與發展歷程來看,結果顯示犯罪少年的團體治療方案在團體進行歷程中,需因團體的動力、少年的參與及改變的狀態,適度且適時的依少年的需要,進行團體治療方案內容的調整。 其次,從Kirkpatick四層次評估模式來看犯罪少年團體治療方案的成效,在反應效果的結果顯示少年之出席狀況、投入程度、以及參與度在團體的第三階段較第一階段有明顯的改善;在學習效果的結果顯示少年的改變意願度在團體的第三階段明顯高於第一階段,且呈現在「機動式衝動性」、「無計畫衝動性」、以及「整體衝動性」面向;在行為效果的結果,針對「11至18歲青少年自陳報告表」之前、後測進行t考驗及Wilcoxon符號等級之無母數檢定,發現少年在其「違反規範行為」、「攻擊行為」、以及「社會問題」具顯著差異,表示少年在參與12次的團體治療方案後,較第一次測量時有明顯的改善;在結果效果的結果顯示,團體治療方案整體而言符合機關的期待,加上團體治療的成本較個別心理治療的成本低,且少年的出席率達72.2%,而參與團體的少年的流失率則為25%。可見,本團體治療方案對參與之犯罪少年可以產生某種程度的療效,主要的影響乃在於提昇少年的「衝動控制」,改善其「違反規範行為」及「攻擊行為」等 最後,從犯罪少年在團體歷程的轉變來看,團體治療方案對於少年個人的助益包括參與團體態度的轉變、少年對團體參與度的轉變、少年遵守團體規範之歷程轉變、少年對團體看法的轉變、少年對其「犯罪」觀點的轉變、以及與研究者的關係的轉變。 本研究仍受到些許的限制,包括研究對象來源無法多元化、研究樣本取得困難、參與者參與度具有挑戰性、團體次數的有限性、無法深入了解參與者的家庭環境、及未能邀請家長與師長參與訪談、填寫測量工具等。


It is an extremely important personal reconstruction in the juvenile phase and it is also malleable, even if juvenile delinquents. However, all juvenile delinquents, except those who obstructed sexual autonomy or violated the “Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act”, are less likely to have psychological treatment, especially group therapy. The purpose of this research was to design a group treatment program suitable for juvenile delinquents, and to evaluate the program effectiveness. In this research, a group therapy/counselling model was adopted, in which eight juveniles under probation participated in the group therapy program. The researcher was the group leader and the group was conducted for two hours each session every other week for 12 sessions. Kirkpatrick's four-level assessment was used to evaluate the group treatment effectiveness: reaction effects (including attendance and participation, etc.); learning effects (changes in impulsive behaviors); behavior effects (behavior changes in the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment "Youth Self-Report); and the results effects (including the agency expectations and cost assessment). The results of the research were discussed in three parts. First of all, in regard of the implementation and development of the group treatment plan, the results showed that the group therapy programs for the juvenile delinquents needed appropriate and timing adjustments according to group dynamic, the participation of teenagers, the state of change during the group process, and the needs of juveniles. Secondly, based on the Kirkpatrick four-level evaluation model, the outcomes of group treatment program were as the following: the results of reaction level showed that the juvenile's attendance and participation in the third phase of the group had significantly improved over the first phase. The results of the learning level showed that the juvenile's willingness to change was significantly higher in the third stage of the group than in the first stage, and presented less behaviors in "mobile impulsiveness", "unplanned impulsiveness", and "impulsiveness" orientation. On the behavioral level, the participants were found improvement on the following subscales of “Youth Self-Report for Ages 11-18": "in violation of the normative behavior", "aggressive behavior" and "social problem", indicating that juveniles improved significantly when compared with the pre-test after 12 sessions groups of treatment programs. On the results level, the group therapy program were found in line with the expectations of the organization as a whole. In addition, the cost of group therapy was lower than that of individual psychotherapy, the attendance rate of juveniles reached 72.2%, and dropout rate was 25%. It was shown that this group therapy program had a certain degree of positive effect on the participating juvenile offenders. The main effect was to promote juvenile “impulse control” and to decrease their “violation of norms” and “attack behavior”. Finally, judging from the improvements of juvenile delinquents in the group process, the benefits of group therapy program for juveniles included their change in attitudes toward group involvement, their change in group involvement, their change in group norms compliance, the change in their view of group and crime, and the transformation in their relationship with the researcher. There were some limitations of this research, including the lack of diversification in research subject sources, difficulties in recruiting research participants, juvenile delinquents presenting great challenging, limited sessions of the group, inability to understand the participants' relationships with their family, and fail to collect related information from their families and teachers.


