  • 學位論文


A Study of Interpersonal Relationship of Vietnamese Female Entrepreneurs in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林開忠


本研究取樣新北市三重區十二位越南籍女性配偶進行訪談,探討她們在台生活適應,及其創業前後人際網絡之發展,以期更瞭解她們在日常生活中如何建立人際關係。研究結果顯示: 越南籍配偶開始拓展其人際網絡,多從中文識字班、附近鄰居,或夫家成員,較無機會與外界接觸,故人際網絡拓展不佳。 越南籍女性配偶自行創業增加經濟收入,除具自信外,亦提升在夫家的地位,且對外接觸的人際面更為寬廣,對她們在台的生活適應有實質上的幫助。她們面臨到的困境包含尋找店面、營運成本考量、符合當地人口味,及語言溝通,但皆能樂觀積極面對並尋求友人協助以度過難關。 「勤快」與「真誠待人」是鄰居和顧客對越南籍女性創業者的看法。其生活圈不再侷限於同鄉友人,而是融入當地生活、接受多元文化,並敞開心胸與跨越族群交往,故微型創業對人際網絡開展實有助益。


This research samples 12 Vietnamese female migrants in Sanchung, New Taipei City , to conduct field interviews. This research probes their life adaptation in Taiwan and their development of social networks before and after their undertakings: It shows that Vietnamese migrants started to expand their social network from mandarin classes, neighbors and relatives of their husbands. The business they engaged not only increasing their self-confidence, but also make great improvement of their adaptation in Taiwan. Because that would create more chances for them to meet new friends. However, they still have some difficulties to solve such as finding an appropriate shop, cost considerations, language barrier and so on but they always look at the bright sight and searching for friends’ help. Neighbors and customers consider these Vietnamese female entrepreneurs are dignity and treating people with their best sincerity. They no longer confined to fellows from their hometown, on the contrary, they began to integrate into local life, and have willing to accept different cultures and make cross-ethnic friends with open mind. All in all, engaging in small business really can help Vietnamese female migrants to develop their social networks in Taiwan.


王素彎,2011,<台灣的微型企業與創業輔導政策>,經濟前瞻,第 32 頁。
王秀燕,2007,<由社會支持網絡的形成累積外籍配偶社會資本>,《社區發展季刊》,第 1 19 期:第 84-102 頁。
