  • 學位論文


Experiences of Discrimination among Male-to-Female Transgender Individuals in the Workplaces

指導教授 : 許雅惠


跨性別者因為不符合主流文化對於性別認同與性別表現之期待,致使其在職場上較容易面臨不公平待遇,然而台灣跨性別者在工作場域遭受歧視之經驗在現有文獻上仍為模糊隱匿之議題。即使我國《就業服務法》、《性別工作平等法》中明訂不得因性別、性傾向因素歧視受雇者,然而跨性別者因性別認同或表現而受到歧視的議題卻較少受到關注。本研究旨在探討台灣跨性別者之就業經驗及在工作場域遭受歧視之情形,並以相關理論討論跨性別者遭受就業歧視之可能因素。 本研究採敘事研究方法,盼能藉由研究的機會讓跨性別者有機會發聲、說自己的故事,並從中獲得力量。本研究共訪談5位男跨女(MTF)跨性別者,第四章以敘事分析方法之整體-內容取向進行分析,依照每個生命事件所發生的時間順序呈現5位跨性別者的生命故事,尤其著重在她們的性別認同與就業歷程,5位研究參與者所展現的性別樣貌十分多元。第五章則以類別-內容取向進行分析,研究結論如下:1. 跨性別者在工作場域受歧視之型式:招募歧視、升遷遭遇阻礙、工作能力或專業度受到質疑、言語或態度騷擾與歧視、微侵略、被出櫃、空間不友善、性騷擾、交叉性歧視;2. 跨性別者在工作場域受歧視之影響:產生負面情緒與想法、改變對親密關係的看法,以及經濟能力受到影響;3. 跨性別者對於在工作場域受歧視之因應策略:正面迎擊、忍耐或避開對方、學習適應現實、為避免遭到歧視而隱藏身分、改變工作態度、發展副業、選擇性別友善的公司;4. 跨性別者在工作場域受歧視之成因:性別刻板印象、對不了解事物的恐懼、權力不對等。 即使《就業服務法》明訂不得以「性別」予以歧視,然而歧視仍然發生在跨性別者的就業職場中,因此針對就業政策,研究建議《就業服務法》內禁止就業歧視項目增列不得以「性別認同與性別表現」予以歧視,以較為明確的名稱保障跨性別者之就業權益。


Transgender individuals are more likely to be treated unfairly in the workplaces because they do not meet the gender expectations in the mainstream culture. However, after reviewing the existing literature, it was found that the studies associated with workplace discrimination against transgender individuals are rare in Taiwan. Even though the Employment Services Act and the Act of Gender Equality in Employment make it unlawful to discriminate against any individual based on gender and gender orientation, very little attention has been given to the transgender population. The purpose of this study is to explore transgender individuals’ experiences of employment and discrimination in the workplaces in Taiwan. This study adopts narrative analysis. The goal of this study is to offer an opportunity for transgender individuals to speak out, to tell their own stories, and to regain strength from oppression. The study has interviewed 5 male-to-female transgender individuals. The holistic content analysis of narratives is adopted in chapter 4 to present the life stories of 5 transgender individuals, focusing on their gender identities and work experiences in particular. The diversity of gender expression has been shown among five participants. Besides, the categorical content analysis of narratives is adopted in chapter 5. The findings cover four areas: (a) the forms of discrimination: bias in hiring, obstacles in promotion, lack of trust in transgender individuals’ ability or profession, verbal or attitudinal harassment or abuse, microaggressions, reluctant disclosure by other people, unfriendly space arrangement, sexual harassment, intersecting forms of discrimination; (b) the influence of discrimination: negative emotions and thoughts, opinions of intimacy, financial ability; (c) the strategies for coping with discrimination: direct encounter, tolerating or avoiding those who discriminate them, reconciling with the reality, hiding gender identity to avoid being discriminated, more active attitude toward work, developing other business skills, relocation to a gender-friendly workplace; (d) the cause of discrimination: gender stereotype, the fear of the unknown, unequal power relations. Even though the Employment Services Act try to shield employees from discrimination, workplace discrimination against transgender employees is not regulated. Therefore, according to the research, the researcher recommend that the Act should add “gender identity and gender expression” in the definition of discrimination to protect transgender population’s employment rights.


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