  • 學位論文


A Study on Life Adjustment of Junior High School Graduates in Remote Areas in Nantou County

指導教授 : 陳嫈郁


本研究採用質化研究取向的半結構式訪談,參考相關文獻,探究偏鄉學生畢業後的生活適應情形,並以南投縣信義國中的四位學生為例。依據相關理論,生活適應包括個人層面、家庭層面、學校層面及同儕層面,透過歸納分析,研究發現與結論如下: 一、 個人層面:四位研究對象當中,小全和小石有良好的個人適應,小田和小恩面臨比較多的考驗,但都努力度過難關。四位研究對象都能在困境中自我接納、自我期許,期望能完成大學學業,並擁有穩定的工作。 二、 家庭層面:四位研究對象的家庭經濟都不穩定,成為他們努力向上的動力,父母親彈性、折衷的教育方式,以理性溝通為主,與家人良好的互動關係,有助於他們的生活適應。 三、 學校層面:四位研究對象都認為高中或大專的課業難度比較高,會向同學求助,也有尋求自己的讀書方法;師生互動良好,少數幾位老師有刻板印象;認同學校常規,但在懲處之外應多一些正向輔導;針對獎助學金和生涯規劃,希望學校能針對偏鄉學生給予更實質的幫助。 四、 同儕層面:四位研究對象都認為,在外求學遇到瓶頸時,好友的陪伴是堅持下去的重要因素;城鄉和原漢之間的文化差異,讓他們期許彼此尊重,也期許自己更努力。 最後,依據研究發現與結論,針對偏鄉學生的協助提出相關建議,以供未來研究以及相關教育工作者之參考。


偏鄉地區 生活適應


The purpose of the research is to make a study on life adjustment of the students in remote areas-the case of four students graduated from Nantou County Sinyi Junior High School by semi-structed interview of qualitative research methods. Document analysis and related literature review are used to achieve the findings as below: 1. According to personal level, two of the research objects have good adjustments. The others encounter some challenges, but they tried hard to overcome them. All of the research objects have good self-acceptance and self-expectation to finish university and find a stable job in the future. 2. According to family level, all of the research objects worked hard to finish university and expect for a stable job because their family financial situations are bad. When their parents adopt authoritative teaching style, they will have better relationships with their family. 3. According to school level, all of the research objects encounter difficulties on their study. They usually ask their classmates for help and figure out some effective methods of studying. All of them have good relationships with their teachers, but some teachers have stereotypes of the students in remote or aboriginal areas. They comply with most of the school rules, and it would be better to give students more positive advices than punishments. Scholarships and career planning for the students in remote areas are definitely needed to all of them. 4. According to peer level, all of the research objects have close friends to help them overcome difficulties by supporting and encouraging. Cultural differences make them expect to respect each other better and even work harder. From the findings of the study, the recommendations to counseling and guidance of the students in remote areas and future researchers are made.


remote areas life adjustment


一、 中文部份
