  • 學位論文


The Institutional Experience of Low-income Household on Social Assistance

指導教授 : 詹宜璋


社會救助法雖歷經多次修法,然法定貧窮資格認定能否與實際貧窮生活相互呼應仍有所質疑。尤其在受助家戶經濟狀態沒有太大改變之情況下,卻時見因審查制度規定而影響救助資格,異動降款甚至排除受助資格。為瞭解受助者面對此一制度適格規定的制度認知與詮釋,本研究採質性研究方法,以雲林縣為研究場域,針對民國99年修法後救助資格降款或不符共計10位受訪者進行深度訪談,了解其對社會救助法相關審查規定所產生之申請資格與實際經濟狀況之影響。研究發現分述如次: 一、在取得低收入戶資格前,家戶列計人口多數自認處於就業困境的狀態,另家庭支出除生活必要開銷外就是家中成員醫療費用、子女教育相關費用及其他臨時性支出;至於其他支持資源可歸類為正式資源與非正式支持,透過對資源的熟悉度自行決定使用順序。 二、取得救助後的改變,相關補助款可以增加家戶收入並視其為穩定財源之一,另外學雜費、相關社會保險之保險費等相關減免和實物捐贈,實際感受明顯受惠之處。 三、取消救助資格之原因,除收入超過、動產與不動產變動外,家戶人口計算、互負扶養義務的責任也是成為救助資格申請的枷鎖。至於救助中止之影響,不只是被迫回到原本受助前之拮据生活模式,也可能會加速惡化家戶貧窮狀態,更甚者間接影響子女生涯規劃。 四、制度經驗反映了主流社會價值,政府要求貧困者負起道德責任之意涵決定救助與否之關鍵,當家庭責任、工作倫理、動產與不動產的價值計算等考量因素轉換為申請書面上的數字計算時,便可能與實際貧窮狀態有所出入,與貧困者之現實遭遇與經驗認知相矛盾。顯示受到社會觀感與義務規定的影響下,道德責任成為貧困者受助條件之桎梏。 最後,基於研究發現進行討論,對於救助資格審查面向提出建議,以及本研究之研究價值與限制。


Social Assistance Act, although after modifying law many times, however the legal qualification of poverty and poor living real echoes still questioned. Especially in the case of recipients household 's economic status has not changed much , but when you see the result of censorship regulations affecting aid eligibility , lowering transaction models even exclude eligibility. To understand the recipients who face of such a system suitable for the grid system of recognition and interpretation of the provisions of this study collected qualitative research methods to study field Yunlin County, eligibility for aid after the fall of the Republic shall amend the law or inconsistent 2010 total 10 respondents conducted in-depth interviews, understand the impact of its review of the relevant provisions of the Social Assistance Act arising eligibility of the actual economic situation. Findings are described as follows: First, before obtaining qualification for low-income household, household meter column majority population consider themselves in a state of employment difficulties, and other necessary household expenses in addition to the cost of living just outside the family members of medical expenses, costs associated with their children’s education and other temporary expenses; Other Support resources can be categorized as formal and informal support resources through resource familiarity decided to use their own order. Second, the changes after obtain the qualification of public assistance, the relevant subsidies to increase household income, one of them as a stable source of revenue, in addition to tuition and fees, related social insurance premiums and other related relief and in-kind donations, the actual experience significant benefit. Third, the cancellation of aid eligibility reasons, in addition to income over, movable and immovable property changes, household population, mutual support obligation is the responsibility of the shackles become eligible to apply for assistance. As for the impact of the suspension of aid, not just forced to return to the front of the original constraints lifestyle recipients may also accelerate the deterioration of household poverty status, career planning worse still indirectly affect children. Fourth, the system experiences reflect mainstream social values , the government requested the poor of the key implications of the moral responsibility of the decision whether or not to take relief, when family responsibilities, work ethic, movable and immovable property and other considerations of value is converted to the application surface when the figures, it may differ from the actual poverty, and poor cognitive experience of the encounter with the reality contradicts. Show influenced social perception and obligations under the moral responsibility to be the recipients of the poor condition of the shackles. Finally, based on the findings discussed, for aid eligibility for proposals, and the value and limitations of this study.


