  • 學位論文


The Impact of Witnessing Parental Marital Violence on an Individual’s Reaction to Their Own Marital Conflicts in Adulthood.

指導教授 : 蕭文


本研究旨在探討目睹父母婚姻暴力對成年子女在婚姻衝突所帶來的影響,以瞭解目睹婚姻暴力對成年子女在婚姻衝突的情緒經驗、因應方式以及在婚姻衝突上對婚姻的態度/影響。 本研究以四位受訪者童年均有目睹婚姻暴力經驗但本身不是受虐者進行質性深度訪談,研究結果發現受訪者的衝突議題為婆媳問題、生活習慣、情感和婚姻外遇等問題。帶來以下影響:1.情緒經驗:不滿對方的態度、擔心與害怕之間徘徊、得不到重視和注意、傷痛無助感、滿腹委曲無人知與忍氣吞聲;2.因應方式分為正向因應:求和協關係、尋求外在資源、理性控制與正面教育孩子制止暴力傳遞;及負向因應:處理衝突事件、宣洩情緒、逃避不理會、報復行為、暴力行為與期待對方改變;3.婚姻暴力的目睹經驗對四位受訪者在婚姻衝突上對婚姻的態度/影響有下列三點:(1)婚姻觀:受訪者A的婚姻觀是「婚姻是需要一再容忍委屈求全的」,受訪者B的婚姻觀是「婚姻是很難成功的」,受訪者C的婚姻觀是「婚姻有衝突時是可以生氣不可以認輸的」,與受訪者D的婚姻觀是「婚姻是非常矛盾的」;(2)共通點:努力經營婚姻避免重蹈覆轍、情緒發洩的複製和以破壞性暴力解決衝突及(3)正向積極的態度。 針對目睹婚姻暴力對兒童/子女的影響,復原力扮演一個關鍵性的角色也是本研究的重要發現。 最後,根據上述的研究結果,提出建議以做為婚姻暴力專業機構、兒童保護專業機構、為人父母和親職教育工作者、婚姻諮商與實務工作者,以及未來研究的參考。


This research studies the impact of witnessing parental marital violence on an individual’s marriage when they reach adulthood. It seeks to find out if witnessing one’s parents’ violent acts towards one another during childhood has any influence on the emotional experience and coping method of an individual when he/ she faces his / her own marital conflicts in adulthood. Case studies and in-depth interviews were conducted on four clients who have had experiences in parental marital violence during their childhood (but were not victims of the violence themselves). The results reveal in-law relationships,conflicting views on daily household practices,negative emotional interactions,extra-marital affairs and so on as the main areas of conflict in their marriage. Their experience in childhood has an impact on their 1. Emotional experience: dissatisfaction with spouses’ attitudes,feeling fearful and worried,needy for their spouses to value them,feeling hurt and helpless,being filled with agony that has to be kept hushed and having to keep the anger and pain under wraps. 2. Coping methods that are constructive: seeking for reconciliation,searching for external forms of help,rationalizing,teaching their children on non-violent conflict resolutions in order to stem the generational influence of violence; and those that are destructive: confrontational approach,emotional outbursts,complete avoidance,taking revenge,resorting to violence and waiting for their spouses to resolve the conflict. 3. The experience of witnessing parental marital violence has influenced the four interviewees’ attitudes on marriage in the following three ways: 1) View of marriage: Interviewee A feels that a marriage needs one partner to be submissive and tolerant. Interviewee B feels that marital success is difficult to achieve,whereas Interviewee C feels that one can be livid after a conflict but not admit defeat and Interviewee D feels that marriage is one that gives conflicting emotions. 2) Response method (that is common among the four of them): Manage the marital relationship in order to avoid repeats of the same conflict and release negative emotions in a constructive manner to break the cycle of violence and 3) Positive attitude and enthusiasm towards their marriage. The key finding of this research on the impact of witnessing parental marital violence is that resilience plays a critical role on an individual’s marriage when they reach adulthood. Lastly,the results of this research are meant as a platform for constructive suggestions and reference for parents and teachers,as well as professionals in the field of marital violence and child protection.




