  • 期刊


An Analysis of a Marital Interaction, Alcohol Drinking Behavior and Violence Behavior-An Example of a Marital Violence's Couple


婚姻暴力與加害人飲酒行為之間有微妙的關連,而飲酒的家庭面貌也有其特殊性,其酒後所產生的問題,對配偶和子女會帶來相當大的影響。從研究者的實務經驗發現,加害人和配偶對「飲酒行為」各有不同的內在詮釋,但目前的相關研究卻鮮少探究。有鑑於此,本研究分別訪問一對婚姻暴力的夫妻,且其中夫有飲酒的習慣,運用對偶分析來探討他們各自對喝酒的觀點以及婚姻的互動,藉以瞭解喝酒在婚姻暴力歷程的脈絡與影響。 本研究女方在婚前即知覺到男方有飲酒和暴力的警訊,但在長輩說服和奉子之下而成婚。婚後與公婆同住,妻子遭逢婆媳問題時,未感覺到丈夫的支持,因此婚姻關係產生嫌隙。在婚後,當妻子需要丈夫一起分擔家務和相互扶持,並期待親子有共處的時光,才發現丈夫大部份的時間是沉溺在飲酒中。丈夫卻淡化喝酒的影響,且傾向是妻子嘮叨或干涉的外在歸因來合理自己飲酒之行為。當妻子採取主動積極的態度面對問題,而丈夫的因應策略為逃避在房間喝酒。一旦發生衝突或暴力,妻子以為是丈夫飲酒促使暴力的發生,故妻子期望丈夫能節制飲酒;但嘗試使用各種方法或找親人協助處理,但效果都不佳,在失望之餘才申請家庭暴力的保護令。 最後研究針對以上之研究結果進行討論,並對從事家庭暴力處遇的實務工作者提出具體的建議。


The correlation between violence in marriage and domestic offenders' drinking behavior is delicate. Problems caused by drinking behavior bring quite influence to spouses and children. According to the researcher's practical experience, domestic offenders and their spouses usually have different interpretation to drinking behavior. However, there is rarely related research. This study therefore aims to interview a couple, where the husband had drinking behavior and was violent toward his wife. The dyadic analysis was used to explore their viewpoints of drinking and interaction in the marriage as well as to understand the influence on drinking behavior to domestic violence. The wife of this study had good impression on her spouse before getting married. She had been aware of the sign of her husband's drinking and violence, but still married him due to the presure from the elderly and getting pregnant. After getting married, the wife expected her husband to control his drinking and spend more time in the family. The husband felt the wife difficult to communicate. The relationship between them was developed from direct verbal attacks, silence and withdrawal afterward, to lack of emotional connection. Conflict and violence occurred as a result of by the different values, difficult interaction, unfair division of labor, and money issue between the couple. The husband used drinking to escape and the wife dealt with the husband's drinking behavior by in seeking the elderly in the family. The violence continued to happen between the couple after ineffective communication and it turned out to be intervened by the civil authority to terminate marital violence. Suggestions from the results of this study were provided for practice and were addressed as well. Some issues for future research were also indicated.


孔繁鐘編譯、American Psychiatric Association著(2007)。DSM-IV-TR精神疾病診斷準則手冊。台北市:合記。


