  • 學位論文


Circulation Families: Investigation of the Formulation of Southeast Asian Immigrant Workers' Families in Taiwan

指導教授 : 利亮時


逾五十萬的外籍移工來到台灣成為跨國移工,不僅補足低階勞動力不足的缺口、改變傳統的照護模式外,同時也為台灣社會帶來多元的新風貌,但此同時隨著外籍移工人數的增加,移工從隻身跨國工作到集體跨國移工甚至家族中多人一起跨國工作在台灣形成一個個的移工家族。本研究從受訪者原生家庭文化及背景來探討跨國移工的動機、在跨國遷移的潮流下,台灣成為移工家族的選項其優勢為何?本研究透過訪談、觀察後整理出影響移工家族在台灣形成的成因如下: 一、薪資保障 二、勞、健保福利 三、交通便利 四、環境優勢 五、申訴管道多 當移工前仆後繼從母國或其他國家來台,家人佔了很大的因素。當家族中有移工經驗可傳承時,自然會衡量各式因素後做出最佳選擇,同時將此訊息告知家人與親人,移工家族就在這些因素下產生。移工們也許在他國也同時有親人一起工作,但可能因距離、時間、宗教問題而從未見過面,但在台灣交通方便、距離短,沒有宗教的限制及困擾,加上申訴管道多且暢通,更重要的是如前述有薪資保障、勞、健保等福利等,家族成員也許因個人因素再度流轉他國,綜上種種因素,台灣目前仍成為移工家族的首選。


Nearly 500 thousand immigrant workers came over to Taiwan as Transnational immigrants to fulfill the lack of labor force in the country. Besides bringing changes towards current management pattern, their arrival unveil new panorama in the society. As the number of immigrants increase, a situation happen whereby they do not immigrate alone but with their family, forming a cluster of immigrant workers’ families in Taiwan. This study look into the study subject’s family background to find out the reason of their immigration and why Taiwan was chosen on top of the other countries. Through survey and observational studies, the data are presented as follow : 1.Salary protection 2. Labor and healthcare benefit 3. Ease of transportation 4. Conducive environment 5. Variety of appealing means As the immigrant workers flow into the country, family was found to be the main factor that drives the immigration. When there is a spread of immigration experience in the family, they tend to evaluate and came to a decision to immigrate over to Taiwan. They may have family members working in other countries but driven by the factor of distance, time and religion, they are unable to meet up with each other. On the other hand, the ease of transportation, short distance, freedom of religion and also the considering the variety of appealing means and protection of salary, health and labor benefit made Taiwan the first choice in line for those immigrant workers despite having family members working in other countries due to personal factors.


