  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of W-Band CMOS Divide-by-3 Injection-Locked Frequency Divider (ILFD)

指導教授 : 林佑昇


此論文為設計在W頻帶中使用90奈米之CMOS台積電之製程,實現除三之注入式鎖定除頻器。其中論文分為三個主題: 第一部分,是以台積電90奈米CMOS製程元件設計與實現在94GHz以考畢茲電路為主軸之除三注入鎖定除頻器。以堆疊LC-Tank混和了考畢茲電路使用電感及串聯組合的電容構成並聯諧振電路來決定震盪器之頻率,再利用堆疊兩層的NMOS交叉耦合對來降低消耗功率,其中堆疊交叉耦合對取代了傳統LC-Tnak的變容器,可以使操作頻寬提高,及提供了負電組補償LC-Tnak之消耗,完成一具21GHz之寬鎖頻範圍的注入鎖定除頻器。 第二部分,同樣使用台積電90奈米CMOS製程元件,在沿用第一部分電路的優點外加入了電感分配應用完成了一80~105GHz之分配型尾端注入鎖定除三除頻器。電路方面,延續使用改良LC-Tnak混和考畢茲電路的,利用電感分配之技術,分配更多之電容負載到共振腔中,藉以增寬鎖頻範圍,完成了一鎖頻範圍更寬達到25GHz的注入鎖定除頻器。 第三部分,加入達靈頓相關技術(Darlington Topology) 取代變容器來使操作頻寬增加。在尾端輸入訊號以Shunt-peaking注入鎖定的方式,使用電感和MOS的雜散電容產生共振,在輸入訊號的頻帶產生大阻抗,可以改善雜散電容所帶來的引響,減少注入電流的損失,進而增加鎖頻範圍。


The design and implementation of W-Band CMOS Divide-by-3 Injection-Locked Frequency Divider (ILFD) are using by 90 nm CMOS process of TSMC. This thesis divided into three parts: In the first part, the design of a divide-by-3 injection-locked frequency divider with Colpitts by 90 nm CMOS process of TSMC. The circuit architecture uses the distributed LC-oscillator tank, added the parallel capacitance of Colpitts circuits to determine the operating frequency, and use the stacked NMOS cross-coupled pair to save the power consumption, there has two advantage of the stacked NMOS cross-coupled pair. First, is replace the varactors of traditional LC oscillator, second is compensates the losses of LC-Tank. The divide-by-3 injection-locked frequency divider has 21GHz wide-locking range is designed. The second part, also uses the 90 nm CMOS process of TSMC, and follow the advantages of the first circuit and with Inductance distribution technology to achieves more locking range. The divide-by-3 injection-locked frequency divider has more than 25GHz wide-locking range is designed. The third part, adding Darlington Topology, to increase the operating bandwidth. In the tail of the input signal to Shunt-peaking injection lock way, use inductance and MOS stray capacitance resonance. Let input signal band produce large impedance, can improve the stray capacitance caused by the impact, reduce the injection current Loss, and thus increase the frequency range.


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